Poetry Writes, Poetry Reads, Poetry Lives Poem by Bharati Nayak

Poetry Writes, Poetry Reads, Poetry Lives

Rating: 4.8

Inspired by poem of Daniel Brick'—‘'Du Fu Visits Anne Yun''

Your visit to Anne Yun
So special
Your distant daughter
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Du Fu,
You are the warrior
Your valour
keeps guard
Against the evil forces
That corrupts the land
You leave to your descendants
A legacy
A garden of lush green
Where flowers bloom
And pure sun light falls
Your youngest daughter
Whom you have never seen
Finds the magic
Of your words
Poetry written in breeze
Poetry holds her
Your legacy flows like river
A river that never dies
Clouds collect water from river
They go floating far
and far to unknown lands
And poetry writes for them who read
Poetry lives for poetry
And daughter remembers
Du Fu

Thursday, November 3, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: inspiration,poetry
Seamus O Brian 04 December 2016

Mystical and lyrical; I feel that I have absorbed beauty here even as the clouds absorb water. Beauty that I will carry with me and which will not return until it has touched some dry place. Yes, poetry lives for poetry. Well done, a beautiful piece.

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Bharati Nayak 05 December 2016

Thank you Neil Beightol for your beautiful comment..

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Rajendra Rout 15 May 2018

I agree with you Seamus sir

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Daniel Brick 23 February 2021

I so appreciate the prayerful extension of my original poem in your version. You opened the poem to a larger frame of reference and thereby tested its strength of purpose. You became a co-creator of this enlarged version of the poem and thereby validated its meaning.

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Poetry lives for poetry and lives remembered

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Kumarmani Mahakul 29 November 2018

Inspired by poet Daniel Brick you have composed a very beautiful poem that attracts the readers to go through it over and over again. I feel the following lines impressive. They go floating far and far to unknown lands And poetry writes for them who read Poetry lives for poetry And daughter remembers Du Fu Thank you madam.

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Bharati Nayak 01 December 2018

Thank you, Sir, for kindly reading the poem and your appreciation.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 29 November 2018

Inspired by poet Daniel Brick you have composed a very beautiful poem that attracts the readers to go through it over and over again. I feel the following lines impressive. They go floating far and far to unknown lands And poetry writes for them who read Poetry lives for poetry And daughter remembers Du Fu Thank you for sharing.

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Daniel Brick 31 August 2017

POETRY LIVES FOR POETRY AND DAUGHTER REMEMBERS DU FU - That is such a beautiful conclusion: so many good things are united in those two lines, not least of which are father and daughter in a spiritual way. But it also shows the sheer strength of poetry, even the stubbornness of poetry to honor human values. I feel a universal consolation spread out from your poem. It's not just two people from ancient China, it's all of us that need to be consoled and that's what poets do so well - use words to comfort and strengthen. I.m going to put your poem next to mine! !

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Bharati Nayak 11 September 2017

I feel so blessed by your comment that you feel a universal consolation spread out from my poem. Yes, that is the power of poetry.If it consoles, if it unites or heals a wound, this poetry is priceless.Many thanks for your valuable words.

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