Revolt Poem by Deep Mukherjee


Rating: 4.7

A quest for a revolt
Trapped in cobwebs
Cobwebs - some seen; some unseen;
Vission fades in dreary darkness;
Whence a revolt!

A lonely crescent moon
Cursed by eternal ignorance;
In an alien serene sky
Longing for self-esteem;
Whence a revolt!

The lonely long night
With lingering thoughts
Revolving in a maze;
Provoked by solitude
Whence a revolt!

The Moon slowly descends
The night slowly melts
With the chirping of morning birds;
The cobwebs are shattered;
Whence a revolt!

A new Sun is waiting
A whispering wind rustles through;
The walls of monotony are broken;
Finally there is light-
A revolt within has taken flight..........

Eric Cockrell 18 February 2012

the real revolution always begins inside... great poem!

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Shahzia Batool 16 February 2012

i am amazed...really...the poem is praise-worthy for its poetic merits...composed n chiseled with felicity of expression...such imagery...with such ease n spontaneity! ! ! beautiful! ! !

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Aastha Uppal 08 February 2012

the flow, the imagery depicting realism, the connectivity..all together a revolting combination ;) great one! ! ! ! ! keep writing.

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Wahab Abdul 08 February 2012

really it is a beautiful poem, i like the poem from my heart.

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Dave Walker 05 February 2012

A really fantastic poem, like it. An amazing write. May i invite you to read my new poem called, Stand Tall.

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