Was walking, with silent thoughts in my mind
am sure we both gonna have a hot talk again
for all the questions He gonna fire at me
am going to stand without answers for sure
Though most times I used to curse and fight with Him
I still go insearch for Him when I feel insecure
because, He is the only one, Who can forget and forgive
for all the mischiefs and sins for others I give
While stepping into His house, I felt its quite and calm
wind, trees and birds all freezed for a minute
as if He paused them all for a while, cos of our meet
when I walked through the chairs on my sides
unseen Angels shared their giggling laughs
for the silent comments about me, few pass
Down the cross I stood quite and dumb
while at the sides stood my Heavenly Father and Mum
with tears I raised my eyes looking at His wounded feet
for which my hidden conscious said, its all for your sake
when I managed to look straight in His eyes
He smiled at me and said, welcome back again
the moment my lips tried to say, sorry for all my sins
I heard Him saying don't cry, just dropp your bag of sins
Tears rolling down I asked, why don't You get down the cross
dosn't it pains? ....with a smile He replied
I too... like to be down....but not until my Father says
turning to my Father I asked, why such a punishment for Him
smiling He said, because He can bear the pain for all your sins, but you cant
with burdened heart I stood calm feeling guilty for my sins
and the Devil standing outside smiled cos he always wins
Suddenly felt my Heavenly Mother Mary, hugging me from behind
with tears she said, miss you son, you come just once a while
turning around I asked Her, do You love me still
with tears she said, yes I always do.... just dropp your bag of sins
while undoing the heavy bag of sins tied on my back
Father Joseph came close with smile to help me out
With head's down and no words to say, I started walking towards the door
soon Mother Mary came running towards me and asked...can I dropp you at the door
holding Her fingers, when I started walking towards the gate
I could sense my Mother crying all the way
steping out the church, I turned around and saw Her tears filled eyes
with a smile she said, I became good enough
as she felt my bags of sins weightless than before
Tears rolling down I thought myself
in making me smile, even my Heavenly Mother lies
with love She patted my head saying, come back soon will be waiting for you
till then be fine and safe wherever you move
kissing Her plam, I departed saying will love you for ever
for which Her face bloomed like a dew drops filled flower
When I reached the lonely road
the gate behind me closed and I felt pure and new
for a second I closed my eyes and felt sorry again for my sins
suddenly I jolted up feeling someone holding my palm again
opening my eyes I saw its the same devil, who always wins again and again....
wow...i was touched your words...you're such a very wonderful person with heart full of humility..full of faith...i cant explain my feelings reading your poem...this is so extra ordinary...i feel my eyes moist....(i was fascinated by the feeling poured on this..i'm happy you know Mother May and the sacrifice and pain Jesus have experienced.... by this piece i remember my dreams, when i was 16, with Mother Mary and Her son Jesus...this piece makes my inspiration to put it into poetry..... thanks for sharing Sebastine...I'm really happy for you.......keep on writing...10+++++++++++++
...nice thought..frank...every individual must have felt the same way as you do.....i can relate to this....evil is always colorful and attarctive....but good will win in the end..u try and confess its simply beautiful! ! ...
iam imagining this poet me and m dad..., . hu huh, , my eyes falls of tears... learnt to look back with my past sin to dad... love my dad tine...was happy to be your friend you open my eyes to read this bag of sins... wont forget you... its not late to show my love to my dad tine. like this poem much, well done lol!
The knowledge of the Devil Trap Placed right on top as a Cap. Under this enlightened shelter You are ever a Winner. Wonderful subject... Heartfelt thanks to you.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
by just reading ths poem, i think u came from a seminary, , , or a student of theology..ths s a story characterzed by 6 personalities, , different characters in one setting...BAG OF SINS? r u really sure not tons of sin? sinners r rampant in thz wrld, gud for u coz u realzd early, if not u became the top 1blacklisted of st.peters lists... well, calm down...every confession done with honest-true hearts r accepted n heaven.i think, at least there s contentment now n urself...nd ur already comfrtable after the confession..one thing u shud not frget, donlet urself fall in the charm of devil..let ur heart be full of godly feelings..donlook at devils beauty, mght u fall again to him or...her? uhum.... ths piece of urs s very beautiful...nice to read...easy to understand nd i like ths, promise.. thanks for sharing..