'Sunken Ships' Poem by Bernard Snyder

'Sunken Ships'

Rating: 3.2

They're gone but never forgotten
abandoned out at sea,
some severely beaten by past storms
others stuck in misery,
my heart would like to bring them ashore
and rebuild their shattered dreams
give them a renewed sense of hope
so they can gracefully sail again,
but in the midst of wanting to do good
I enjoy living drama free
so instead of fighting with those other pirates
I've decided to just let them be.

Kewayne Wadley 04 March 2015

Brillant image! I loved the concept just Vividly off the page! I too have often felt this way as well. Nicely done

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Rekha Mandagere 07 December 2011

Friend, I pray sunken ships to get some good support for floating alive! One person cannot do the entire job, but It is the collective responsibility of the good people to provide harbour for them in the shore. It creates agony and deep pain in the heart for the fallen ones. Great theme. I love the ease and flow of the poem. I must give 10+

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Jim Boone 19 October 2011

Hey Bernard, I like this little ditty very much. A couple of possibilities came to mind while reading it.

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Unwritten Soul 11 October 2011

Sunken ships can go...go away and gone...but the mission of the journey still floating in the sea, to find a harbor of destiny...Sunken ships, lost of glory in the sea, but the lost ships at least try to fight and discover all over the world...and sunken in the sea, not terrible but sunken before the journey is poor..Storm in the sea roaring all fearfulness, storm in the land helpless...Storm anywhere we need to face..So go walk, swim, fly whatever as you want to to have...We lost precious ships but in life we still have, a memory within....._Unwritten SOul

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Stefanie Fontker 04 October 2011

'Gone but never forgotten.' They truly are, we always remember what we've lost. Beautiful poetry.

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