Syllogism Poem by Mihaela Pirjol


Rating: 5.0

Time can destroy these corporeal temples;
But, never the soul of their dwellers:
We are Energy: Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent.
Although innocence of heart may seem weakness,
—It is power—for the Heart absorbs Energy
From the sacred fountain of the Universe.
Love—love is an old soul which Sees the Whole;
Love, is a fusion of sensuality and spirituality;
Its significance is reduced though,
Immediately as phantasmagoria is increased;
In Love's desire for survival,
(Love, being the force of Life,)
In most unfavourable circumstances,
Or seasons of time, it has developed itself
An unique perspicacity, an extra-sensorial faculty,
Antagonising with rationality.
It possesses the mystic knowledge of the Universe,
Unwilling to be formulated in terms
Of human-language, or human-symbols;
These instruments of communication,
Do not qualify for its explanation:
It cannot be defined, and it represents Life itself;
Nor can it follow a precise trajectory
With an estimated destination
(Apart from Death itself): but,
Even Death cannot impede its eternal existence:
It transcends Mortality—into Immortality;
Therefore, Love is Eternal.

Edward Kofi Louis 13 December 2018

Seasons and reasons of time! ! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 15 May 2018

it cannot be defined, and it represents Life itself; Nor can it follow a precise trajectory With an estimated destination (apart from Death itself) : but, Even Death cannot impede its eternal existence: It transcends Mortality—into Immortality; Therefore, Love is Eternal.....yes, love is eternal. An impressive write has been made. Brilliant poem.10

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Dr Dillip K Swain 08 May 2018

Fabulous dissection of the concept' love'! ......Love, is a fusion of sensuality and spirituality.....admirable thought content! Though the poem is philosophical yet it has tremendous impact! The conclusive line is the ultimate truth! Loved reading this poem! (10)

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