The Charitable Soul Never Can Die Poem by MAHTAB BANGALEE

The Charitable Soul Never Can Die

Rating: 4.3

They discuss immortality, truth, honest, pious, religious
They converse regarding heaven and hell
They strangely warn about the punishment after death
No, no, really I don't know what is immortal, truth……heaven and hell
But birth and death is well known to me
None and nothing are immortal beings

But, yes, I've come to the world,
I've come and now performing to survive
I've learned and known to previous learning

Someone came and taught
the sun, the moon, the stars, king-queen cannot be God
know thyself, enlighten thyself
Someone came and taught
humanity, polity, civic life, peace living as a social being
to love all and be sympathized to other difficulties
not to shed the blood arbitrarily
man and woman both are an essential part of society
human unity is powerful peace
Now they are not alive
But these all teachings of them are still alive devotedly

Someone came and invented (without demand anything)
the gravitational power, the law of motion
atomic energy, the theory of buoyant force
the electricity, the theory of relativity
big bang, black hole,
motor engine, airplane, spaceship
radio, television, gramophone, bulb, etc
Someone came and invented (without demand anything)
electron, neutron, proton
radar, rocket, calculator, telescope, telegram, telephone
microphone, photograph, computer, thermometer, dynamo, X-Ray, Laser
fusion, radium, polonium, polygraph, seismograph, crescograph, cardiograph
chronometer, barometer, fathometer, Richter Scale
sextant, sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, incubator, etc
Now they are not alive
But these all inventions of them are still alive enthusiastically
and for all caste, religions, nations
No, though I don't know what is immortality!

Someone came and served to us
equality, fraternity, world brotherhood, communism
Someone came and provided us
the knowledge of economics, politics, sociology, theology
the knowledge of science, chemistry, biology, mathematics, astrology
Someone came and taught
the lesson of spirituality, metaphysics, mysticism
taught with all welfare thinking for all world peoples without any splitting up
Now they are not alive
But these all teachings of them are still alive dutifully
and for all peoples without any discrimination
No, though I don't know what is immortality!

They all died
Yes, now not alive they are
But, to me, they are still alive
They won't die, they couldn't die
They cannot die
Because these teachings, inventions, discovering, serving are alive
They were on the base of philanthropy, generosity, humanity
Charity working for all without hatred division among human
never can die, none can eradicate the roots of fame
and they were true religious, heaven is true only for them

-May 20,2019 Chattogram

Monday, August 19, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: charity,heaven,human being,immortality,invention,positiveness,souls,works
Rus Mer 22 August 2019

Great writing " " Charity working for all without hatred division among human never can die, none can eradicate the roots of fame and they were true religious, heaven is true only for them"

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Akhtar Jawad 20 August 2019

Great men who gave ideals to life never die. A thoughtful poem,

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Edward Kofi Louis 20 August 2019

Charity! ! Survival of the fitters! Humanity; Some came and taught, Some came and invented, Others did their best to pave the way with the truth! With the muse of righteous morals. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Jane Campion 19 August 2019

A poem covering humanity in all its phases. Brilliantly conceived and executed. Thank you for your praiseworthy comments.

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