The Man And The Ants Poem by Rose Marie Juan-austin

The Man And The Ants

Rating: 5.0

I was sitting for ages on a bench
In a bus station
An able bodied man
Approached me for a donation
To buy his food for the day.

I was hesitant to help
But conscience dictated otherwise
I gave him money
Enough to buy a single donut
And a cup of hot cocoa.

He got the cash
Without saying a word
My eyes followed him
He went into a nearby convenient store
When he came out
He got a beer and a pack of cigarettes.

I heaved a sad sigh
And looked at the ground
Then I saw a battalion of ants
Like tiny dots
Marching in a clothesline
Each of them carrying a grain of rice.

Passersby stepped on them
With their stilletos
And tennis shoes
But they rise as if nothing happened
And proceeded to work.

Oh, how diligent
And clever
Are the ants
They prepare their food
For drought
And flood.

They got brains
Smaller than pinpoints
Whereas the man
Got a brain
The size of a bowl.

The man came again one day
But I rapid fire
A piece of advice
To make use
Of his rusted
Brain and bones.

Sunday, October 29, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: character
Dr Dillip K Swain 12 March 2018

Moreover, it’s a poem of character! Very nicely penned Rose! ........The man came again one day….But I rapid fire…A piece of advice….To make use…Of his rusted….Brain and bones….Thanks for sharing!

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Thank you, Dr. Dillip for your nice comment. Your revisit is much appreciated.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 29 October 2017

Wooowwww such a powerful poem, Rose Marie.... I love your style... a huge 10++++++*

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 30 October 2017

Your nice comments uplifted my spirit kabayan, Bernard. You have made my day! Thank you for the motivation. God Bless.

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Stephen Katona 04 November 2017

If only we were all as determined and focussed as ants. Our weaknesses and frailty are also a vital part of our humanity. I see this story about kindness and giving on the one side, and one the other a story of not coping with the stresses of this world and perhaps losses we cannot know.

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Nabakishore Dash 10 November 2021

Excellent Madam, I just read it now after I read your comment on my poem. Very simple language but a great insight is presented.Really these small creatures give us many lessons.They are so able that they can take weights ten times heavier than their body.Thank u with my regards.

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Edward Kofi Louis 18 November 2020

Narrative! ! ! Nice work. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Shaun Cronick 08 October 2020

Rose Marie perhaps you're right and ants today deserve their place as the top of the species. For we humans can dream both wonderful dreams and the darkest of nightmares and many times those foul nightmares come true. When it simply comes to hurting and disrespecting each other on this beautiful blue planet. Five stars, many thanks and I wish you well.

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Anjandev Roy 26 December 2019

An excellent piece. Thank u, dear poetess.anjandev roy.

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Aniruddha Pathak 27 July 2019

Lovely narrative. Yes, man can learn so much from ants. They work hard ferrying food, but then fine, they got to eat. But these soldier and worker ants, if you have noticed, groom their queen bees, nourish them, though they can't mate, such is their self-less service.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin

Rose Marie Juan-austin

Laoag City, Philippines
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