The Prayer As In The Bible Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

The Prayer As In The Bible

Rating: 5.0

Matthew 6: 9-13
therefore we pray

Our Father Who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
For Thine is the Kingdom,
and the Power, and the Glory, for ever. Amen.

Photography by Sylvia Frances Chan: "The Martini Church in Groningen
during King's Day last 27th April"

Sylvia Frances Chan
Dutch Poetess, Evangelist, World Traveler

AD. Monday the 30st April 2018
@ 5.36 hrs. West-European Time
Rains, hails and "stormy weather" hard sounds of hails on the roof

The Prayer As In The Bible
Monday, April 30, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: debt,god,heaven
This daily prayer is to be found in the Bible, on Matthew 6: 9-13
it be a NIV or a KJV

Please, take this serious, thank you,
written and thought with love,

Sylvia Frances Chan.
dutch poetess,
world traveler.

MyNOTE: The photograph of the Martini-Church was taken at the start of King's Day in Groningen, still early in the morning. GRONINGEN is the capital of the Province Groningen and is stated in the northern part of the Netherlands (please see the map on Google) . The Netherlands is a Kingdom, a small but friendly country, where true democracy is.
The present reigning king is Willem-Alexander van Oranje-Nassau, his lovely wife Queen Maxima and their three cute daughters Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane.
Rus Mer 09 May 2018

forgive me oh kind god/ i am a beggar of your kindness/ forgive me oh sustainer/ i am living on your kindness... thanks for the wonderful allusion

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Sylvia Frances Chan 05 August 2018

Thank you so much for your lamenting comment, but this prayer we can read in the Holy Bible, indeed the words from the Bible are wonderful, thank you again, but this is not an allusion, these are true words, Sir! .I beg you not to combine wonderful with allusion, then it sounds so tricky odd in my ears, sorry to say this, but these are solemn words from the Holy Bible, Muhammad, T.Q.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 02 May 2018

Every day with mercy of light is given by God. The power of God revives trust within us. We love him. He is only Super Power who designs heaven. God's name is glorified. We sing his glory continuously. This Biblical Prayer poem is definitely very nice and outstanding poem...10

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Sylvia Frances Chan 05 August 2018

Thank you so much for your valuable comments and feedback. Indeed, God's name is glorified as we can read that in the Holy Bible, thank you for your super compliments addressed to God, your words mean a very lot to me, Mr. Kumarmani, most respected and most appreciated. GBU always

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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