The Streets Of Durango Poem by Cowboy Ron Williams

The Streets Of Durango

Rating: 5.0

Yesterday I was walking down
one of the main streets
of Durango, Colorado
wearing my cowboy hat
and best pair of boots.

I've been retired from
the rodeo circuit for many years,
but that's the way I always dress
because it is so comfortable.

As I was standing, looking at something
in a store window, a little boy about
six years old approached with his dad.

He stopped and stared at me and said:
"Are you a real cowboy? "

"Yup, " I replied.

His eyes shone with admiration.
"Where's your horse? " he asked.

"Oh, " I countered, "I left him down
the street at the blacksmith shop.
He needed a new front shoe."

He turned to his dad and said:
"That's what I want to be when I grow up."
I could tell right away that his father
was not very comfortable with that.

I said, "Boy, there ain't no more use for
us cowboys. I'm the last of a dying breed.
You go to college and get a real good job
that can pay the bills. Be a doctor or a lawyer
or something else, but don't never be no cowboy! "

The Streets Of Durango
Monday, November 2, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: cowboys
And I thought of Willie Nelson singing:
"Mamas, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys.
Don't let ‘em pick guitars an' drive them ol' trucks.
Let ‘em be doctors an' lawyers an' such."

Had fun writing this.
Started with five lines, then four, three, two, one,
then two, three, four, five.

2 November 2020
Kim Barney 02 February 2021

Wonderful poem and cool format,5,4,3,2,1,2,3,4,5

4 0 Reply
Smoky Hoss 08 November 2020

I love this one Cowboy, very much, hits the heart.......but honestly, I'd still rather be a real working cowboy rather than a lawyer..... oh, both may tell a bunch of lies, but the old cowpoke will share his whiskey with you while he's doing it, and never ask for a cent... ya ever hear of a lawyer who doesn't want your money? GREAT poem!

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Susan Williams 02 November 2020

I loved this poem- -be a cowboy anyway- just quit it before you're all crippled up. Tis an exciting life to look back on! ! ! ! I am such a fan of your poetry! ! ! ! Top Marks.

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