Vincent Van Gogh 73 - Painting Without Passion Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Vincent Van Gogh 73 - Painting Without Passion

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When Vincent frankly blurted out
That De Bock's painting lacked passion,
De Bock was surprised. He asked Vincent:
' Which one of the numerous passions
Are you referring to?
'It's rather hard to explain, Vincent replied
But your sentiment seems a trifle vague
In my opinion, it could stand a little more intensity.'

'But see here, old chap, retorted De Bock:
I cannot spew emotion all over the canvas….
I paint what I see and feel.
If I don't feel any bloody passion,
How am I to get it on my brush? One can't
Buy it at the green grocer's by the pound.'
But De Bock was a light hearted man,
He never took anything seriously.

De Bock decided to visit Vincent in his house
He suggested they could paint together.
Vincent was delighted with the idea.
Mainly because De Bock was bringing with him
A beautiful girl as his model from the Artz.
He paid her a handsome amount of one franc fifty
For posing as a model for them. Vincent could never
Dream of hiring a model, especially a beautiful one at that.

Vincent had pinned his Brabant Paintings,
Of diggers, farmers and cutters
On the wall of his rented house.
When De Bock visited Vincent's house,
His eyes fell on the paintings on the wall,
He looked at it with keen interest.
There was something unusual about it.
An intensity that was undefinable!

Vincent knew that he would never be
Able to sell his Brabant Paintings.
He was now living in a city of wealth, glamour
Where style, décor and flamboyance mattered.
Who wanted to hang a picture of a labourer
Struggling and sweating?
The daily wagers had no beauty to offer.
They could show off only their sweat.
Yet, he did not discard it because there was depth in it.
He had spent hours painting them with intense passion.

A Biographical Poem

Vincent Van Gogh 73 - Painting Without Passion
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: true,art,artistic work,stories
These poems are biographical poems on the famed painter- Vincent Van Gogh. All information on Vincent Van Gogh is taken and is based on two great books - ‘Lust for life' & ‘Dear Theo' - a biography and an autobiography respectively, penned by the famed American Author - Irving Stone. Dear friends and Poets, Thank you so much for reading this series on Vincent Van Gogh's life. I am ever grateful to all the poets who are reading these poems. I do hope you will continue to read them. Ever obliged for your kind comments. I am resuming Vincent Van Gogh poems after a short gap. Vincent moved to The Hague to earn a living through his paintings. He meets painters and his experience with them is elaborated in these poems. Vincent Van Gogh Painting -The Galette Mill - 1886
Chinedu Dike 06 August 2024

Vincent's love for painting is unparalleled. It is a highly relatable experience for me.

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Anjandev Roy 17 September 2023

This is fantastic biographical write.....thank u, dear poetess....

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Richard Wlodarski 25 May 2023

Good for Vincent! His passion for painting outweighs any feelings of insecurity. Beautiful model or not, he risks exposing his humble abode to an affluent artiste. And especially, the Brabant Paintings!

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