Wearing Glasses Poem by LeeAnn Azzopardi

Wearing Glasses

Rating: 5.0

I don't think I need my glasses
Though, I am often reminded to put them on
One day, I didn't wear them for most of that day
And didn't feel a thing
But my sister bullies me to put them on
Sometimes, I forget to clean them
And I get so frustrated, I take them off
Then, I get a headache and clean them
I wonder if Dorothy Parker had to wear them
Would she have the same predicament?

Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: eyes
Anjandev Roy 06 June 2023

......the same predicament..... significant piece.....

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Anil Kumar Panda 06 June 2023

Hahahahaha.. very nice. I feel the same too. Nicely inked.

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S H 06 June 2023

Simple and amusing poem. A poet's eye need no glasses. Cheer up! ! ! ! !

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Martinez Salotori 06 June 2023

With age we all are in same boat. Good poem LeeAnn. Full TOO]

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David Wood 06 June 2023

Mine are varifocals, I keep then on all the time otherwise I'd lose them! ! Good poem LeeAnn.

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Congratulations, LeeAnn. This gem of a poem is ranked @#16 among the Best Poems list on PoemHunter today. This feature is totally revamped as you could see.

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Juhaina Tumlu 08 June 2023

Wow wow wow poem for me, I will keep my eye glasses on.

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Nosheen Irfan 08 June 2023

Very interesting! The last two lines are punch lines that take the reader by surprise. Wearing glasses all the time can be really irksome.

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I don't wear my glasses either, unless I am driving. I have found it difficult to write or type with my glasses on, though my sight is poor and everything looks blurred. Nice poem…

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 07 June 2023

Most of us will need glasses at some point when we age. But some factors speed up the timeline wherein we need corrective lenses especially when we spend a lot of time reading and writing. An amusing write that most of us could relate.Loved it.

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