World In Jeopardy, ukraine 2022. Poem by Nabakishore Dash

World In Jeopardy, ukraine 2022.

Rating: 5.0

War is for possession
of other's territory,
properties and show of power.
Leaders justify and argue in
their favour with some pretext
or the other.

Wanton killings of innocent lives,
not only of man, but of trees,
birds, and other animals
can not be validated
by any measure.
Massive damages of our
mother Nature would threaten
the whole of life on earth
for uncertain period,
take us backwards for sure.

Destruction and DECIMATION
of what we constructed
with so much labour, time and
dollars are always easy and quick.
All explanations given
by our stone hearted leaders
are demonic vicious tricks.

How long can the winner keep
the defeated under his rule
and leadership?
Hatred created in war
is like smouldering coal
certain to burst into fire
to defy and flout your grip and whip.

Winning the hearts of
the opponents results in
friendship and love.
Real win can never be achieved
by use of missiles, bombardments,
and weapons that
drive lives to grave.

When the so called mighty
and powerful are interested
to exhibit their hegemony,
they should give up sanguineous
wars and weapons as
killing is easier, but saving is
Winning with love, sacrifice
altruism and gratitude
by mutual agreement is
the best win for ever.

Winning with non-violence and love is the best win.
Dr Dillip K Swain 01 April 2022

Beautiful poem dear Nabakishore. Well penned

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 01 April 2022

i love the last three verses I hope that Putin has a change of heart Bravo!

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 31 March 2022

Revisiting this powerful poem so timely presented. The wisdom and insights enunciated in this wonderful write must be followed to for a peaceful and stable world.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 17 March 2022

Liked the closure lines. Top Marks! ! ! !

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 17 March 2022

A very timely poem brilliantly crafted. War in all its forms must be abhorred. Any leader who orchestrated and implemented war will always be remembered in the annals of history as a destroyer of humanity. He could never gain recognition except as being a terminator of lives and families.

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Nabakishore Dash 17 March 2022

Many many thanks with my regards for your appreciation.

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