Practicing Poetess Poems

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The Poets Of Poem Hunter

The Poets of PH rise and fall,
Appear and disappear, one and all
A few have staying power, and stand tall
Some stay the course, but not all.

Dance Of The Trees

Trees swaying, sashaying in the breeze
Bending, bowing
Onlookers wow-ing

Pretty Can Be A Curse

Had she ever truly been loved?
Or had men only used her for her beauty?
She'd had plenty of sex,
Now, she wondered if she'd only been

Missing You Like I Do

I just want to say
I think of you most every day
Whether you hear from me, or not.

The Eye Of The Beholder

'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'
Means that
He who sees, decides
What he deems or perceives to be beautiful.

Please Hold My Heart

Hold my heart; Don't let go
Stay with me, body and soul
Don't let the world come crowding in,
To spoil this time. Don't let them win.

The Mad Sock-Eating Society

For health, you need to eat
More fibre in your diet
Once there was a people
Who decided to apply it

My Shortest Poem Ever

She'd Had Enough (A Limerick)

There was a young woman named Fran
Who'd married a violent man
After work, every night
He'd pound her to a fright

My Love Grows

The more I get to know you,
The more my love grows.
That's why you are worthy
Of poetry, not prose.

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