Ravi Kopra Poems

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The Way To Live Life

The way to live life
Is like flowing rivers

Standing waters become stagnant

The way to live life
Is like flowing rivers

Standing waters become stagnant


We go on a spring outing
to the treasure place near
shan-shan green hills


He stands beside her and puts flowers in her braids
Leans forwards, holds her in his arms and kisses her on lips

She closes her eyes, rests in his arms, smiles opening her eyes

The spring has come
Flowers, for the spring festival
Shine everywhere like silk
But you are not here with me

If I Had Only Loved Your Flesh

If I had only loved your flesh
And cared not for your wallet
I would have left you after
A one night stand and never

Haikus For My Love

I swim in your eyes
I soar high seeing your love
Is real, from your heart.

My Other Heart, A Translated Poem In Hindi/Urdu

Kahin aur bhi ek dil hai
jiski chahat mere dil majn hai

rota hoon to rota hai vo


The fierce hurricane levels
All palm trees on the coast
Their pure white souls put
Poor shining snow to shame

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