Geeta Radhakrishna Menon Environment Poems

Environment 14 - The Angry Rains And The Pink Rose

I am a little pink Rose!
I bloomed to see
This beautiful world,
To enjoy the monsoon,

Environment 15 - A Kindly Spirit

A compassionate young boy,
A kindly Spirit,
In spite of the floods,
In spite of devastation,

Environment 6 -Plastic Pollution

Polluting the environment with
Plastics - the new age material,
Polluting our rivers, lakes and ponds,
Perpetually damaging our marine life by

Environment 13 - The Incessant Rains

This year, once again,
The rains poured and poured,


Worship the trees,
Venerate the trees,
Respect the trees,
For they are natural assets,

Environment 17 - Trees Provide An Awesome Environment

Trees are fabulous covers,
Tangible, tenacious, tending,
And providing an awesome environment!

Environment 18 - Shower The Environment With Flowers

Towering over the hills with majestic benevolence,
Spreading its hues throughout the hilly environment,
Pouring out the tree's splendour into the earthy plains,
Strewing the serene station with bright red blooms,

Environment 9 - The Cool Caressing Breeze

Cool caressing breeze of the high mountains,
Cuddles my body like the gushing water of the fountains,
Embracing my mind with gentle elements,
Enveloping my thoughts with sweet sentiments,

Environment 16 - Aarey - The Green Splendour Of Mumbai

Mumbai is a buzzing
Metropolis with
Numerous people,
Numerous buildings,

Environment 1 - Just Listen!

Just listen to the sound of nature,
Just listen to its soft murmur,
Hark! The nature's environment whispers,
With so many serene messages,

Environment 10 - The Unique Environmental Cranes

An amazing structure caught my eyes
As I walked
Along the Kalyan Shil Phata road
Alongside the Lodha Palava township area,

Environment 19 - The Ducks, Lake & The Trees

Just as the sky birds teach you to fly with wings,
Thousand dreams in flight to come true;
So does the water birds teach you to remain grounded,
To live your dreams in the tranquillity of your environment.

Environment 3 - United With Nature's Environment

Let us glow in the warmth of the golden sun,
Let us flow with the cool water of the mountain streams,
Let us delight in the ruffling of the gentle tree leaves,
Let us be mesmerised by the enchanting moon,

Environment 2 - In Harmony With Nature's Environment

The nature dances in harmony,
With its unpolluted environment,
With its unpolished stones,
With its unpretentious earth -

Environment 7 - O Sparkling Sun

O! The golden glow
Of the rising Sun
Arrives with a pleasant surprise
Each day; A new environment

Environment 12 - Let Us Live & Breathe Oxygen

To live,
We have to breathe,
To breathe,
We need Oxygen.

Environment 20 -An Ancient Bond With Nature's Environment

Perhaps, i was a pink lotus flower offered to a God,
Perhaps, i was a red hibiscus flower offered to a Goddess,
Perhaps, i was a cute little bird singing away to glory,
Perhaps, i was a colourful butterfly sitting on every flower,

Environment 4 - Joyful Revelation

Environment creates joyful revelation.
Enabling the body-mind surreal rejuvenation,
Engrossed in nature's beautiful presentation,
Elevating the self to higher intuitive perception,

Environment 8 - A Deep Connection With Mother Earth

Far away from the material world,
Finding my way into Nature's paradise,
Fanned by the natural wind of the mountains and rivers,
Filled with the fragrance of the scented breeze of wild flowers,

Environment 5 - Celebrate With Nature's Fabulous Environment

As i walk through the Deer Park Garden Lake,
A fine thought enters my mind with glee!
Am i not a tiny part of nature's fabulous environment?
Am i not here to participate in nature's incredible achievements?

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