
Dheeraj Poems

Standing few yards,
Away from her gate.
In a foggy morning,
Waiting for her wait.

When I got tired of explaining
My innocence; With all my
Words; And all my sense.

Life grows
Love flows
We are boundless.

Truest is my identity
Truest I'm here.
I'll not shy, I'll not pretend
Coz now I don't have any fear.

Came here with a dream
To be an IITian,
Later I realised
It is just as Utopian.

When I was a kid
I had few fears,
To be left alone in dark
With horrible nightmares.

There was a young kid
Used to wear yellowish shirt
Good in studies, yet scared
For his shirt was old and dirt.

This world is a big stage
With viewers and performers.

A viewer always views,

Yes I realized everything
Everything is a function of time,
Love, Affair or friendship
Relationships changes with changing time.

When personal relationships
Turns to professional,
It ends up in a great disaster.

Was a frail boy at young age
Unconciously went to sea,
To know which one is larger
My depressions or the sea.

Heard a section of her singing
Carved in the sweetness of beauty.
Melody claims she is sweet...
Shied when she heard my sweety.

Searching for love I crossed all boundaries
Perhaps was finding it for social competence,
I searched I searched and then I stopped
As my heart said searching won't give.

In all forms, in all life, in all games, you play but fake.

This silence is super killing and is really poisonous to take.

Do you believe
People who say,
Life and things
Have ruined their way?

To my thousand unknown friends
With whom I never met.
These words are my blessings
May God bless them with every great.

Appreciate the work
Not the workers.
Anyone could have done it
Who has done it

Dheeraj Biography

Nothing much to say about me. I was trying too be something but time and situation has pushed me here.)

The Best Poem Of Dheeraj

Presence In Absence!

I see you in every face
Don't know what is this,
People say it's just my thoughts
And you don't exist.

Dheeraj Comments

Dheeraj Quotes

Never try to make your life beautiful by adding strong and influential peoples.Walk alone always-you'll definitely reach your destination.

Don't let any one drive your ways.Be the driver of your own life.

It's better to be truly hated than to be fakely loved.

Loneliness is togeatherness.

Sadness in life is far better than over happiness because in former situation you always walk on constructive path but in later one you may go towards destructive one.

The true paradise comes when you stop searching paradise outside.

You work on probability and let it to be world's certainty for someday.

Your world is where you everyday sleep closing your eyes in the world of your wish.

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