Wilfrid Chin Sue says that poetry
is about ‘about’, and thank you Wilf
for that, and thanks too from us poets all
to e.e.cummings for reminding us
that lurking in the words between
the words we give most value to
like nouns and verbs and adjectives
are the words that hint,
about the presence of the subtle
so here’s a love poem about your about
because when it comes down or up
to it, it’s all about just what’s about
you – like the scent you loved to use
which brought and brings
you into an empty room
and the things you left about
which speak of you
more subtly even than your scent
and your near… ah yes, your near…that's never far from me
and your around
that made eyes light up, with life and joy and love
and your between
which I shall not speak
and the because of our true together
which I could write (about) endlessly
because of its endless, its inexplicable,
its because
which reminds me of your beyond,
which I would not write (about) in case
I wept, or failed, or failed and wept
oh so many other, being one
but most of all
I miss your
Michael this is outrageously funny. I recognised some of the pieces you were utilising. This is just a fantastic piece my friend. the way that it flows from one sentiment to the next.
This is the 1st time I have read your poem and its quite brilliant.As Denis said...the flow is great! ! !
subtle and beautiful...I wept, or failed, or failed and wept...i just loved that...just about fully loved it! ! ...great read...thank you...how about a 10? ...nalini
e.e.cummings, i read every book he has written, great poet, strange, but great poet...he has a thing with numbers, ..............
I'm not to the point where I can express deepest emotion clearly; the sensation running through me is both keenly joyful and sorrowful... Michael, this is pure beauty... longing... the real thing. Thank you.
Michael, mon ami, this is why I stay on Poem Hunter - sensational!
Michael, This is so sad and so beautiful and so clear and so subtle and so understandable and so e e cummings and so amazing and so you.....
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
In such wildfire, that's what I say. (Sorry - never heard of Wilfred Chin Sue so I figured maybe it was an anagram. Apparently not) . Tis (about) time for such a smart piece. t x