A Cactus Flower Poem by nimal dunuhinga

A Cactus Flower

Rating: 5.0

If I am a Snake and you are a Cactus flower in a thorny bush.
Do you think that we can love forever?
If I am a River and you are the Bank
Then only we can join together in the Ocean of Love.
In the ocean if you turn to a Shark and I become a coral flower,
Then what will happen to our endless love?

To the eternal lovers who drowned in the stream of love.
Re-birth of my friend Denis.Joe may you long live!

Emma Johnson 13 May 2006

This is my favourite by you. Susie.

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Duncan Wyllie 14 May 2006

A rare and beautiful flower lies within your heart, Love Duncan

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Sandra Fowler 26 May 2006

A rare and beautiful effort, but with that touch of sadness that often makes your work so memorable. Warm regards, Sandra

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Melvina Germain 25 August 2006

Beautiful poem Nimal, I love it----Melvina

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joey oo 30 September 2006

Nimal Beautiful, but sad... I was drawn to this title as I collect cactus plants... I was not disappointed.... It would be lovely to think that we could live eternally with the one we love... Take care. Joey

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Nivedita Bagchi SPC UK 21 December 2009

Finest push-pull ‘contrasts’…and enjoyed with ten…Hats off Sir... Ms. Nivedita UK

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Amanda Lukas 08 April 2008

Sometimes, the 'what if's' overpower the 'what is's'. Your compasion shines in this fine tribute to dear Denis Joe. I hope you are faring well in these past months, as I have not had much chance to catch up with you.

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Ben Gieske 07 September 2007

Warming and empathetic. Cannot argue with what was and is, but the future always brings surprises of its own. A Cactus can hurt. So can roses. We still accept what we are attracted to. With love goes suffering. We can't grow without hurting.

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Gina Onyemaechi 01 May 2007

Compassionate, caring, and moving. And thanks for your comment on my poem. Warm wishes, Gina.

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Aldo Kraas 30 January 2007

I am touched by this poem It is very deep I love your writing style I hope you write more poems It is time to publish your poems Lulu.com Amazon

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nimal dunuhinga

nimal dunuhinga

kalubovila East, Sri Lanka
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