Albert Einstein 46 - religion & Religiosity Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Albert Einstein 46 - religion & Religiosity

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Albert was initiated into religion from the age of six.
When Albert began his school in Catholic primary school,
He was the only Jewish child in class.
In school, it was a part of the curriculum to learn the Bible.
However, he learnt about the Jewish religion too,
From a home tutor - a relative, with knowledge of Jewish heritage.
Though his parents did not strictly adhere to Jewish tradition,
They wanted their children to learn about their religion so that
They were aware of their Jewish heritage, tradition and culture.
At that age, Albert became curious about religion and learnt with interest.

By the time, Albert reached the age of twelve,
Albert became deeply involved with science and Mathematics.
He began to question the miraculous events that he read in Bible.
He could not accept or believe these miracles.
As such Albert developed complete lack of faith in personal God
And asserted contradictory views on conventional religion.
He questioned the very existence of a personal God
And declared himself as agnostic by nature. However,
Albert remained deeply ‘religious' in broad sense of the word,
As a philosopher who realised the inner beauty of his soul.

Most remarkable part of Albert and his views on religion,
Is that though he lost his faith in the normal religious rituals,
His ‘religiosity' in science gained a wider perspective
And a deeper insight into Cosmic laws.
He believed in the power of Nature and Truth
And respected the laws governing the cosmic vibrations.
The beauty of his ‘religiosity' gained much value
As he identified himself as a part and parcel of this cosmos.
He remained modest and down to earth throughout his life,
A philosophy of unity of man and world in a harmonious blend

A Biographical Poem

Friday, August 6, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: life,true,story,personality,religion,philosophy
Here is a sincere attempt to write the biographical life and works of Dr.Albert Einstein. For detailed explanation of Albert Einstein's Research Papers on varied topics, please read books published by Princeton University Press.1. ‘Albert Einstein - A biography' by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lipscombe 2019.2. ‘Einstein's Miraculous Year' by Alice Calaprice and Sam Elworthy 3. Quantum Generations: A history of Physics in 20th century, Princeton. N.J 4. Quantum Profiles by Jeremy Bernstein - Princeton, N.J 5. Collected Papers of Albert Einstein (CPAE) various editors and translators, Vol.1 to 9, Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.6. The New Quotable Einstein Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.7. Albert Einstein - New York, Viking.8. The Einstein Scrapbook by Ze'ev Rosenkranz, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press.9. Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein 10. Albert Einstein by Albrecht Folsing After a short break of two weeks, I am happy to resume the biographical poems on Dr. Albert Einstein. This chapter deals with Dr Einstein's view on religion. Dear Friends and Poets, please continue to read about the life and work of this great scientist. I remain most grateful and thankful!
Sylvia Frances Chan 06 August 2021

First of all 5 Styars full on Top for this very interesting sequel of Dr. Albert Einstein, before I forget to click on these Stars of voting

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Dr Dillip K Swain 06 August 2021

As a philosopher he realised the inner beauty of the soul.... great information about this humble man the earth has ever produced!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 06 August 2021

He remained modest and down to earth throughout his life, Genius are like this, they never like to boast. I love reading this Autobiographical poem immensely! Very impressive story poem. Thank you so much for sharing, Dr. Geeta!

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Unnikrishnan E S 07 August 2021

Hi Geeta, Beyond the books you have cited, one of the most authentic biographies of Einstein by name "Einstein- His Life And Universe" by Walter Isaacson needs to be referenced.

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Unnikrishnan E S 07 August 2021

This chapter of the epic series, I loved most. The quintessential Einstein, in the great religious persona is presented here. His Religion, no doubt, was Physics and Mathematics. Unlike most people who decry religiousness or one religion against another, without trying to know either, ….

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 October 2021

"What ramifications did the theory of Relativity have for religion? " Was the question His Grace asked. Einstein answered, "None. Relativity is a purely scientific matter and nothing to do with religion." Needless

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Unnikrishnan E S 27 October 2021

When we speak about religiousness in connection with Einstein, I recall this interesting anecdote quoted in one of his biographies: The Rev. Archbishop of Canterbury, warned of the consequences posed by Relativity Theory for theology, asked Einstein this question……

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Chinedu Dike 13 October 2021

Thanks for this historically relevant poem.

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Vrinda 21 September 2021

Informative story of Albert Einstein.

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Unnikrishnan E S 07 August 2021

Part 5: ….. What he said about Mahatma Gandhi is equally true about him too, " Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."

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