Albert Einstein 50 - Dr. Einstein Awarded Nobel Prize In 1921 Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Albert Einstein 50 - Dr. Einstein Awarded Nobel Prize In 1921

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Dr. Einstein had many friends, fans,
But foes as well, who opposed his work.
His rivals disapproved and decried his work,
Trying to pull him down, at the slightest opportunity.
After Albert Einstein's year of Miracles in 1905,
When he innovated five stimulating papers in physics,
According to his sister Maja, who wrote a biography
Of her brother Albert Einstein, mentioned that
" He was very disappointed.
His publication was followed by an icy silence."

However, the ‘icy silence' was broken by the German Physicist-
Dr. Max Planck, who responded to his paper on Relativity.
He wrote to Albert asking for clarification on certain vague points.
Einstein replied clarifying his stand on his Relativity Theory.
Max Planck set to work on this project, wrote and published
His first article based on The Theory of Relativity.
It was a great moment for Albert Einstein!
Einstein remained grateful to Max Planck for acknowledging his work.
However, the true revelation happened when Einstein's former professor at the ETH,
Hermann Minkowski, focused on Einstein's Special Theory,
And brought it to the attention of the mathematics community.

Dr Einstein was nominated for his research in Relativity Theory in 1910.
But the award committee was not ready to award him the Nobel prize.
They wanted to experimentally prove his work and confirm its truth.
Then, from 1910 onwards, Einstein was nominated for the award, six times more, over a period of ten years.
Firstly, nominated for his Relativity Theory,
Then, for his Brownian Motion Theory. Neither came by.
There was always a slip between the cup and the lip.
The award remained slippery and elusive as ever,
Even after his Relativity theory was proved by scientists.

In this world, there are more critics who blame, berate
and belittle your work than who support, applaud or praise!
These are the kind of people who do nothing themselves,
Nor will they allow others to contribute to the world.
Finally, after ten years of long wait and patience,
Dr. Albert Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1921.
The award was bestowed not for his most valuable contribution of 'Relativity Theory', but for his 'Photelectric Effect', which he had also published in 1905.
In spite of ‘sharp opposition and severest criticism'
Dr Einstein's work came into limelight, wherein truth triumphed!

A Biographical Poem

Albert Einstein 50 - 
 Dr. Einstein Awarded Nobel Prize In 1921
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: life,true,story,personality,science,invention
Here is a sincere attempt to write the biographical life and works of Dr.Albert Einstein. For detailed explanation of Albert Einstein's Research Papers on varied topics, please read books published by Princeton University Press.1. ‘Albert Einstein - A biography' by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lipscombe 2019.2. ‘Einstein's Miraculous Year' by Alice Calaprice and Sam Elworthy 3. Quantum Generations: A history of Physics in 20th century, Princeton. N.J 4. Quantum Profiles by Jeremy Bernstein - Princeton, N.J 5. Collected Papers of Albert Einstein (CPAE) various editors and translators, Vol.1 to 9, Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.6. The New Quotable Einstein Princeton, N.J, Princeton University Press.7. Albert Einstein - New York, Viking.8. The Einstein Scrapbook by Ze'ev Rosenkranz, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press.9. Ideas and Opinions by Albert Einstein 10. Albert Einstein by Albrecht Folsing So many books have been written on Dr. Albert Einstein. My poems are based on the books that I have read specially ‘The Biography" by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lispscombe. Added to it are my own little observations and interpretations based on Einstein's life. My 50th poem on Dr. Albert Einstein is on his most valuable contribution to science on the Theory of Relativity that opened up whole new perception and is utilised by the entire science community the world over today. And the story of Nobel Prize that he received in 1921. Dear Friends and Poets, Thank you for reading these poems on the life and work of Dr.Albert Einstein. I remain most grateful and thankful for your beautiful feedback!
M.J. Lemon 17 August 2021

A bridge between poetry and science can indeed exist. One does exist in this verse. Terrfic poem, Geeta.

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Chinedu Dike 14 October 2021

Albert was by far ahead of his colleagues, who could not completely understand his theories at the time. Thanks for sharing this wonderful write.

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Vrinda 29 September 2021

Great work of Dr Albert Einstein.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 23 August 2021

Cont... The fruits of your hard work, dedication and intelligence has been finally realized making you more driven. An inspiring biographical poem so well presented

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 23 August 2021

The height of one's career is when an award giving body recognized the importance of your works and talents.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 23 August 2021

I concur with the wonderful comments of M.J. Lemon. Another important and interseting part of life of a great man.

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