Albert Einstein 77 - Tragedy Strikes Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Albert Einstein 77 - Tragedy Strikes

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Elsa's daughter, Ilse who lived in Paris
With her husband Rudolf Kayser,
Took seriously ill in 1934.
Elsa rushed to Paris to be with her daughter.
But unfortunately, Ilse never recovered,
She passed away at a young age of thirty seven,
Leaving Elsa completely distraught and saddened.

Though Elsa returned back to Princeton,
She could never overcome her daughter's loss.
She was no more the bubbly, talkative person,
With zest for life and its social engagements.
In 1935, Einstein purchased a new house in Princeton.
This house, in 112 Mercer Street, became the residence
For Einstein and his large family, for the rest of their lives.

Unfortunately, Elsa could not enjoy living in this house for long.
She became seriously sick with heart and kidney ailment.
On 20th December,1936, just two years after her daughter Ilse's death,
At the age of 60, Elsa breathed her last, leaving Einstein a widower
For the next twenty years of his life. After Elsa's death,
Einstein wrote that he became "bear like remaining in his den,
And no more socialising like he did when Elsa was alive"!

Elsa was a lucky charm in Einstein's life.
With her vivacious and articulate personality.
She stood thick and thin, for better or for worse, with her husband,
Standing strongly by his side, travelling with him everywhere,
Managing all his affairs, most faithfully, throughout her life.
She was a gem of a lady who took pride in her husband's success,
And let the brilliance of his glory, illuminate her life as well with joy.

A Biographical Poem

Albert Einstein 77 - Tragedy Strikes
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: death,life,true,story,personality,wife
Sources: Books, Biographies & Articles in Internet Reference: Books on Albert Einstein Published by Princeton University Press. "Albert Einstein - A biography" by Alice Calaprice & Trevor Lipscombe 2019. Thank you, dear friends, for reading this biographical poem on Albert Einstein - an exceptional scientist par excellence Please continue reading his amazing story. I appreciate your beautiful and valuable comments. I am truly thankful to all my friends and readers.
LeeAnn Azzopardi 16 November 2021

One of the romantic love affairs, I heard of. I am glad to read this because it reminds me of my parents Bravo! And Thank you for remind me how lucky I saw true love.

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Unnikrishnan E S 16 November 2021

Princeton was the place of choice for Einstein to live on his very first visit to the US, even before he decided to migrate t

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Unnikrishnan E S 16 November 2021

even before he decided to migrate to the US.

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Rajnish Manga 16 November 2021

'Elsa was a lucky charm in Einstein's life. Managing all his affairs, most faithfully, throughout her life.... took pride in her husband's success'. The poem reflects the ecstasy of a great relationship and the jolt of parting for life through death a partner Thanks, Geeta ji.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 16 November 2021

Another beautiful series that dwells on a great marriage. A relationship built with love, respect and happiness is always remembered and treasured beyond time.

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Vrinda 19 November 2021

Tragedy in Einstein s life

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Indulekha A menon 19 November 2021

Another brilliany poem But tragicsl.

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Dr. M. Asim Nehal 17 November 2021

A relationship that lived through. Yet another wonderful poem of this series.

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Dr Dillip K Swain 16 November 2021

He was born genius but Elsa's company motivated him to accomplish his endeavour joyfully. I feel your book will be the best book among any other books published in the identical line! Wonderful job dear madam!

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 16 November 2021

Deeply poignant and moving poem showing that life is just ephemeral.

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