Andaman 4 - The Notorious Jailor Poem by Geeta Radhakrishna Menon

Andaman 4 - The Notorious Jailor

Rating: 5.0

David Barrie, the notorious Jailor,
Created a record of atrocious crimes,
On the innocent Indian prisoners, whose
Only fault was that they relentlessly strived,
To attain freedom for their motherland.

When Barrie took over as the Chief of the Cellular Jail,
He let hell loose on the earth of Port Blair!
He hated being confronted, challenged or answered back,
His dictatorial rule and orders were harsh and horrible,
The place earned the name "Kalapani"- The black water!

His punishments became notoriously infamous
He beat, hammered and tortured the freedom fighters,
He starved them and hung them upside down,
He refused to allow them even to attend nature's calls,
David Barrie was merciless, brutal, and dreadful!

Physical torture was inflicted on the prisoners
Those who disobeyed or defied David Barrie.
A thirty pound weight was hung over the neck,
A bag full of coconut chaff was placed on the back,
Then, ordered to extract oil on the grinding mill.

Ullaskar Dutta, was tortured so severely
Till he became insane and sent to a lunatic asylum;
Indu Bhusan Roy committed suicide
As he could not tolerate further humiliation;
Sardar Bhan Singh was beaten to death in a fit of anger.

Pandit Ram Raksha resorted to fast unto death
Likewise, many prisoners died unnaturally,
Many sent to the gallows or thrown into the sea,
The diabolical tyranny continued for years on end,
The reign of terror thrusting out its ugliest claws.

God and Nature had enough of the sadistic Barrie,
He had to pay for all his horrendous deeds,
The curse of the freedom fighters followed him
Like a virulent serpent out to take revenge,
Soon, Barrie became very sick and was paralysed,

Though he was carried back from Andaman to Calcutta,
Barrie never boarded the ship or reached his home in England,
He died in Calcutta leaving behind him a history of crimes on Indian prisoners,
That even a history book would shudder and shiver to tell the tale of ‘Kalapani'
O No! Let no man so wicked, like this, be born on earth once again!

Andaman 4 - The Notorious Jailor
Friday, November 17, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: history,nature
Loke Kok Yee 29 January 2018

Once awhile, a poem like this will take me back to the colonial era, where horror stories abound. But there were some really kind ones too. Tanks for upgrading my knowledge with your fine poem

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Loke, thank you so much for reading this poem. History reveals a lot of horror stories, yet, there were courageous ones too, who braved it all.

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Amitava Sur 18 November 2017

Thank you dear Geeta, after a long spell I appeared in PH and you are 1st person to read. Hoping you keep very well. Such an elaborated dossier you drew about a person's horrendous activity on whom who fought for the cause of our nation! ! I wish no such human devil arrives on this earth again.

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Unnikrishnan E S 17 November 2017

Hi Geeta, The darkest pages of humanity ever recorded. One shudders, reading this poem, reliving the history.. : : Let no man so wicked, like this, be born on earth once again! : : A 100++ for the poetry in the history..

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