As Isaiah Said Unto Us 740 Years B.C..... Poem by Sylvia Frances Chan

As Isaiah Said Unto Us 740 Years B.C.....

Rating: 5.0

As Isaiah said unto us 740 years BC....

For a Child is born unto us,
a Son is given unto us,
and dominion is upon His shoulder,
and His Name is called Wonderful,
Strong God,
Father of Eternity,
Prince of Peace....

These words said Isaiah in the Bible Book Isaiah 9: 6
long before the Son is born. Truly amazing!
No one ever knew what will happen at that time
and Isaiah said those words about Jesus. Thinking about that
how a greatest Miracle that had been. Seven hundred years later,
Jesus was born in Bethlehem.

WHO is Isaiah?
Isaiah (= Jhwh has saved) was a prophet in ancient Israel.
He lived in the 2nd half of the 8th century BC.
He became around 740 BC. called into office.
He wrote a book known as the Bible book Isaiah.

He was the son of a certain Amoz, who should not be confused with the prophet Amos at all.
He was a citizen of the kingdom of Judah and a citizen of Jerusalem.
His prophetic activity began in the last year of Uzziah's reign.
He prophesied follow-up among Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, successive kings of Judah.

Sabbath 4 January 2020

As Isaiah Said Unto Us 740 Years B.C.....
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: bible
Isaiah, the prophet who lived in Israel 740 years BC

he had told unto us that Jesus would be born

he had written that in the book Isaiah in the Old Testament 9: 6

such precious words about the Birth of the King of Heaven and Earth

Thank you so much for reading

Most appreciated,

©Sylvia Frances Chan -All Rights Reserved
Sabbath 4 January 2020
Kumarmani Mahakul 11 January 2020

For a Child is born unto us, a Son is given unto us, ...A great poem is very well penned with great Biblical perception. The Bible book Isaiah has motivated many shown the path of truth giving us information. An excellent poem is very well penned.10

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Sylvia Frances Chan 30 January 2020

Thank you so much, Master Poet Kumarmani Mahakul Sir, also for the precious 10. Your response means a very lot to me. God's Blessings in abundance to you and yiur beloved family.

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Kostas Lagos 05 January 2020

Excellent! To my list! Thanks Sylvia!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 30 January 2020

Thank you so much dear Kostas, thankfully yiours, Sylvia

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Sylvia Frances Chan 05 January 2020

Number 3: Thank you so much for all the passionate responses you bestow me, dear great poetess. May God's Blessings be Always Greatest. Also to your beloved close family. Amen

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 04 January 2020

A very informative and wonderful poem. I deeply appreciate how the great Poetess wrote this poem to bring to us one of the most important events in the history of Christianity. The great Poetess has that unique way of capturing the important words that will make a reader understand clearly who is prophet Isaiah and his wonderful works Thank you so much for this.marvelous poem.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 05 January 2020

Number.2: I am the Lord grateful that we have met here on this Poem Hunter poem site. So true your fantastic compliments make me feel so great. I am very happy to may experience all these. You are one amongst the few I await with great emotive. Please read number 3, thank you.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 05 January 2020

I am impressed a very lot to read your captivating responses. To my opinion you excell so fascinatingly in bringing over how yiou think about this poem. I appreciate highest the way your responses manifest in this ardent utterances.

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Savita Tyagi 04 January 2020

So wonderful to know and read these ancient writings. I am a lover of ancient history and spiritual writings. there is so much to learn from every writer, religion and philosophy. Thank you for sharing Sylvia Frances Chan. Wish you a very happy new year.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 04 January 2020

Thank you very much, dear Savita, so marvelous to hear all these you have told me. Indeed, ancient history is so very interesting to read and spiritual writings I am very fond of.Happy to know that you enjoyed this verse.Wish you a happy 2020 too and God's Abundance.

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Sylvia Frances Chan

Sylvia Frances Chan

Jakarta, Indonesia
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