At The Twilight Poem by Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi

At The Twilight

Rating: 2.9

At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky;
Then it landed on earth to look at me.

Like a hawk stealing a bird at the time of prey;
That moon stole me and rushed back into the sky.

I looked at myself, I did not see me anymore;
For in that moon, my body turned as fine as soul.

The nine spheres disappeared in that moon;
The ship of my existence drowned in that sea.

Captain Herbert Poetry 27 April 2014

smooth, gentle and flowing poem with profound meaning

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M Asim Nehal 22 February 2016

Brilliant work, so nice to read...thanks for sharing.

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T Rajan Evol 19 February 2016

Wow a saintful writing.............100+

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* Sunprincess * 22 February 2016

.....a lovely poem with extraordinary imagery ★

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Sylvia Frances Chan 24 June 2022

CONGRATULATIONS with this choice of Classic Poem Of The Day!

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Sylvia Frances Chan 24 June 2022

The worldfamous RUMI (30 September 1207 - 17 December 1273) , His poems are all with deepest RUMI philosophy. Thought-provoking by a poet Saint. Fantastic! 5 Stars

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Anna 24 June 2022

Start working from home! Great work for-Ever, Stay at Home Moms OR anyone needs an extra income. Get started. You only need a computer and a reliable computer connection so don't get late try……

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Mahtab Bangalee 25 July 2020

The moon came last night Lit my dark hime up delightfully The sun came yesterday Shined my path of life willingly You came last moment Filled my empty heart full with love Now all you are absent I find me in nothing Oh; what a loser I am Because I was busy these days with all And forgot to know the true myself

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Susan Williams 22 February 2016

At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky; Then it landed on earth to look at me. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sometimes loveliness comes in such simple words and phrases

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