Death Of A Newspaper Poem by Rajnish Manga

Death Of A Newspaper

Rating: 4.0

Mail Today, my morning tabloid
Its print edition Is now history
You can imagine the financial health
of media houses under Covidepression
When Business and Industry is in ICU
Especially MSME needs a booster dose
Thousands of small units have closed
or are about to close
Country's economy is in shambles
We are fed on rosy pictures- virtually
Like the package of Rs 20 lakh crores

Sunday, August 23, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death,economy,government
M Asim Nehal 23 August 2020

Government is indifferent towards growth, economy and support to small and medium businesses. It only makes rosy announcements to catch the attention of God only knows whose. Nothing shakes the heart or mind of those who are at the helms, they have an army of supporters and articulate speakers to justify and cover-up their actions.

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Suresh Kumar Ek 07 October 2020

Rosy pictures shambled Real representations Thanks Dear Rajnishji

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Michael Walker 20 September 2020

It is a pity for any newspaper to close down. Print is so much better than e-newspapers too.

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Edward Kofi Louis 06 September 2020

Death! Sadness! ! Muse of coronavirus around the world! ! ! With the challenges ahead. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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me poet yeps poet 24 August 2020

How can a newspaper die, it is artificial thing, death of a mind is acceptable to me. Think before you write. RM ji

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M Asim Nehal 23 August 2020

No suggestions are going down their throats and they all have become thick skinned crocks. Let us hope to have a revolution soon to bring the crawling economy back on feet. Thought Provoking poem.10++

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Rajnish Manga

Rajnish Manga

Meerut / Now at Faridabad
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