Death Of Edgar Allen Poe Poem by Rajnish Manga

Death Of Edgar Allen Poe

Rating: 5.0

Death of Edgar Allen Poe
(Jan 19,1809 - Oct 7,1849)

We all are familiar with his name and work
Acclaimed as an eminent writer, editor and critic
Poe's popularity has much to do with
The popularity of his tales of mystery and macabre
Poe's death, like his tales, remains a mystery till date
No less than nine theories have been offered
Since 1849 but none of them is conclusive
Possible causes of death include Beating, Cooping,
Carbon monoxide poisoning, heavy metal poisoning,
Alcohol, Rabies, Brain Tumor, Flu and Murder.
His death may intrigue but his life overwhelms
With his poetry, stories and literary criticism
Poe's tales paved the way for future detective genre.
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Thursday, January 23, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death,mystery,poetic expression,story
Experts believe that Poe fell victim to a practice known as cooping, a method of voter fraud practiced by gangs in the 19th century where an unsuspecting victim would be kidnapped, disguised and forced to vote for a specific candidate multiple times under multiple disguised identities. Voter fraud was extremely common in Baltimore around the mid 1800 (an election for sheriff took place on Oct.4th 1849) . The site where Poe was found in a disheveled condition.was near a polling site

The general belief is, that Poe was seized by one of these gangs, 'cooped, ' stupefied with liquor, dragged out and voted, and then turned adrift to die."

Rabies (dog bite) :
In 1996, Dr. R. Michael Benitez was participating in a clinical pathologic conference where case studies were conducted. This included a diagnoses on the basis of symptoms of an anonymous patient EP were clear. EP had succumbed torabies. The symptoms were based on the reports by Dr. J.J. Moran who was the supervising physician to Edgar Allen Poe in the hospital before his death.

In his 2000 book "Midnight Dreary: The Mysterious Death of Edgar Allen Poe", author John Evangelist Walsh presents yet another theory about Poe's death: that Poe was murdered by the brothers of his wealthy fiancée, Elmira Shelton.

(Input Courtesy:
Edward Kofi Louis 28 April 2020

Tales! ! Stories! Muse of Edgar Allen Poe. Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Aniruddha Pathak 27 January 2020

Good research done on the poet, meticulous and painstaking work. Kudos.

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Rajnish Manga 27 January 2020

Sometimes we get to read about deaths under mysterious circumstances of well known personalities but Poe's death is an extra-ordinary case.

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Michael Walker 26 January 2020

Edgar Allen Poe was a writer of the dark side of life, which intrigues readers. He was like the first crime mystery writer, as you point out. I must read more of his poems to make a surer judgment, though. How ironic that his death should also be shrouded in mystery.

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Rajnish Manga 27 January 2020

Thanks for your visit, review and fairly detailed comments. I was fascinated to his tales since my school days where I read 'The Monkey's Paw' followed by 'Three Sundays in a Week' and then 'The Golden Bug' and others.

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Yoonoos Peerbocus 23 January 2020

a well known poet is honoured in due form

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Bernard F. Asuncion 23 January 2020

A well crafted poem, sir Rajnish. This popular poet deserves to be the subject of study in the school....10+++

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Rajnish Manga

Rajnish Manga

Meerut / Now at Faridabad
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