Drift Up Poem by Mike Barrett

Drift Up

Rating: 5.0

Now as you lie and you listen
To the lyrics and music of sound
Let go of the chains by which you are bound
And drift into yourself through this song.

Go back to the days of your childhood
To the earliest days you recall,
How did you feel in that family of yours
As best as you can recall?

Do you ‘member the warmth and the laughter
Do you ‘member the good times at all?
What are the memories that now flood your heart
As you drift through the times you were small?

It's funny through life as we're driftin'
That things don't work out as planned -
How many the things
That we choose through our time
Turn out built from water and sand?

Remember those happier moments?
Remember those moments of joy?
These are the guides and the source of our strength -
The keys to the world we live in.

Don't let yourself sink in your sorrows,
Don't wallow in your self-despair -
Why do you think your problems unique
Among eight billion others now here?

Dig deep in yourself my young brother,
Dig deep in yourself sister too -
Rise early one morning and catch a sunrise
Or maybe find diamonds in dew.

Be struck with the beauty of nature,
Be struck with the joys of Soul -
Dig deeply and find the true source of yourself
And win then the treasure that's yours.

Dig deeply within the true self that you are
And start spending the treasure that's yours -
Yea, start sharing the treasure that's yours
Why not give out the treasure that's ours!

© M. Barrett – all rights reserved

I wrote this in the early '70s. When I wrote it, I heard the music that partnered with it, but not being a musician nor having a tape recorder, the music quickly drifted back into time and space. If you're a musician and have/can create music for it, let's talk. You can contact me through this site or through the contact link on my http: //we-r-1.info/ web-site.
Albert Andrews 07 December 2013

Hi Mike, what a great piece of work. I am sure it has touched many hearts and has changed just as many. It makes me think about my childhood, my life and others. It is a real reflection. I am sure someone could put some music into the great song. Great Job. Mike.

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Mike Barrett 08 December 2013

Hi Albert, Thanks for your kind words...they're most appreciated. I'm happy that they touched you. Many, if not most, of my poems are jotted down following a contemplation. They will touch those Souls open to ITs blessings!

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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 08 December 2013

Wow a wonderful poem motivating to recall n recollect d good memories. Such a creative way u coax to walk down memory lane. Kudos for d rhymin too. Pls wil u answer my riddles poem

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Noreen Carden 10 December 2013

Hello Mike what a wonderful poem i recalled many happy times having read it. I give it a ten.

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Rohan Nath 20 January 2014

Really warm words. In other words, a great piece of work Sir!

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Mike Barrett 13 December 2013

Hi Neethu, Thanks for your comment. Sorry to learn of your loss. When faced with loss we always have the choice, get angry and stop loving the IT IS (God) , or understand that the IT IS, in ITs wisdom, knew that it was time for the departed Soul to complete that lifetime and continue forward in Its eternal unfoldment. We continue to grow knowingness through each and every lifetime. Ever wonder why some very young babies/children are more knowing than others? Consider old souls being re-incarnated as new babies.... they bring Souls knowingness with them and is the intuitive base they have and begin to grow in this their current lifetime.

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Mike Barrett 11 December 2013

Hi Hazel, I'm still wrestling with this site's software...I find it sometimes a bit confusing (probably my memory!) ... sometimes frustrating when you get a wrong verification message but in fact the two numbers match! Such is life. Thanks for your message. Those of us who had happy childhoods have no problem relating to it. I recently reviewed a few of your poems and left a comment or two. I enjoy your work and will continue to do this from time to time. Cheers!

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Mike Barrett 10 December 2013

Hi Noreen, Thanks for your kind words...This poem was the product of contemplation on why I'm someone with a strong positive attitude and love of God. This poem's words warm my heart and I'm sure all others who were fortunate enough to have had early happy years.

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Hazel Durham 10 December 2013

I drift back as I read this amazing poem to such innocent, sweet days touched by the beautiful nature of my parents who gave so much love and care to me. With a treasure of joy, love and comfort of a place that was home with sunshine and the outside world at times casting shadows, all part of life. I loved this beautiful write full of wisdom about finding the treasure within ourselves!

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Mike Barrett

Mike Barrett

Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada
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