It is a lonesome road
That each of us is travellin'
Although at times
It may not so appear.
But beyond
The silence of a moment
A solitary note
Snow had lately frosted earth
But one scant inch.
Life blue in sky, bled red, died black.
Spotless Soul alone,
Beingness IS.
Love IS.
All that is IS.
All that ever was IS.
Now as you lie and you listen
To the lyrics and music of sound
Let go of the chains by which you are bound
And drift into yourself through this song.
Hear water breaking in a brook
Over rocks that are timeless with age -
A sound near as old as the earth itself
With a meaning beyond any sage.
Snow had lately frosted earth
But one scant inch.
Life blue in sky, bled red, died black.
Spotless Soul alone,
I'm a Canadian, a native Maritimer, born in Saint John, N.B. in 1943, currently residing in Embrun, Ontario, a rural farming community 23 miles east of Ottawa, the nation's capital. Throughout my life I've had a keen interest in matters spiritual, paranormal, metaphysical, philosophical, scientific, and mechanical. Additionally, I've always been interested in reading, writing, and appreciating the beauty one finds in life be it evoked through relationships, nature, the arts, or the revelation of truth through dreams, contemplations or divine insights. Over the years I've had a number of poems flow through me which I have chosen to share the written version of through this site. Spiritually, I'm an Eckist, a follower of ECKANKAR's teachings [see]. Life to me is an amazing experience, a voyage of eternal unfoldment, of infinitely growing one's awareness of both Self and God. I've also set up my own web-site, http: //, and invite you to check it out. Please note that as far as my poems are concerned, each is copyrighted with all rights reserved. A reader may make a copy of any poem for his/her use; Eckists may use these poems in the service of ECKANKAR; however, any commercial use of these poems, apart from service to ECKANKAR, requires my personal approval as do any translations, modifications, adaptations, video creations, adaptations, etc., etc.)
On Poetry
Are among you,
You who read these poems,
Those who think
Beautiful rhyming words,
Pleasant thoughts -
New combinations
Of strange comparisons.
How utterly wrong
You are!
There is poetry
In a rippling brook,
In a fly's beating wings,
In the dead skin of a snake -
In both time and space
Wherein myriad worlds spin!
Man, himself
Is an infinitely poetic
As are all his thoughts
Feelings, actions
And past history!
To appreciate
These words
As they are herein placed,
As they are now arrayed
Is but the birth
Of the beginning
Of the understanding
Of the meaning
Of the word
© M. Barrett – all rights reserved
A Great and Humbled Poet! , Your Words Flow Like Rain From The Blue-Clear-Skies! , Keep The Poems Coming!
To get pearl we have to dive deeper in deeper. Wisdom of the most Humbled and Hon'ble Poet is more pacifying than the pacific ocean. While reading the writes of Mike Barrett Iam compelled to say, 'diamond of poetry'. Wish for his long and healthy life to enable him to contribute more poetry.