Fairytale Poem by Brooke Luchich


Rating: 4.8

When your little you believe that all the fairytales are true,
That when you get older a handsome prince is going to marry you.
You will live in a palace with a huge closet filled with every kind of dress,
No one could tell you different because you wouldn’t believe any less.
Once you were a bit older those dreams started falling apart,
You didn’t meet any princes just a lot of boys who broke your heart.
The dresses girls wore were not like those ones you dreamed at all,
They were not long and flowing, they were just extremely short and small.
Girls were not automatically your best friend; they were usually just cruel,
You soon hated shopping, yourself and especially going to school.
Eventually the dresses, palace and your prince became a thing of the past,
And all your hopes of your dreams coming true soon diminished fast.
Soon all of it was forgotten and you just tried to make it through each day,
The dreams of your fairytale coming true were completely thrown away.
Even as you get older you should still dream just as a child would
Maybe that’s where people go wrong, they accept less than they should.
Life is hard but in the end what you regret most is the chances you didn’t take,
Remember your life turns out the way it does by the decisions that you make.
So what if the world isn’t always filled with joy and laughter,
That doesn’t mean that you can’t still have your happily ever after.

Sylvia Frances Chan 30 March 2019

A loveliest poem, most gorgeously rendered and fascinatingly worded. Just bit mistakes: first line must be When you're little and not When your little, the first is a verb and in the line you wrote, that is a possessive Noun, In line seven(7) must be The dressed girls and not The dresses girls. But being POTD YOU so deserved, Brooke. (2)

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Khairul Ahsan 29 March 2020

'dresses' in the seventh line is okay in the context of the meaning the line conveys. 'your' in the second line is of course a mistake in the written context, although it is accepted colloquially.

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Richard Wlodarski 29 March 2018

Here's to happily ever after, Brooke. BTW, some women do get the prince. Look at what's happening with the British royal family. Congrats on Poem Of The Day!

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Bernard F. Asuncion 29 March 2019

A beautifully penned poem of the day. Congrats, dear Ma'am Brooke for being Chosen....10+++++++++++++

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Kumarmani Mahakul 29 March 2018

A true picture of life has been portrayed through a fairytale. Beautiful poem. Thanks and congratulations for being selected this poem as the poem of the day.

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Lyn Paul 29 March 2020

A beautiful poem written from the heart. Great comments too especially Aqua and Parmeswaran.

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Prabir Gayen 29 March 2020

Very apt poem to be selected as pod....thanks

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Rajnish Manga 29 March 2020

There is nothing wrong with fairy-tales or dreaming of a utopia oblivious of harsh realities of life. The poem has put across the paradox quite beautifully in the concluding lines: So what if the world isn’t always filled with joy and laughter, That doesn’t mean that you can’t still have your happily ever after.

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Dr Antony Theodore 29 March 2020

When your little you believe that all the fairytales are true, That when you get older a handsome prince is going to marry you.the power of imagination which leads us to think, imagine and wish. beautiful poem. tony

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Anil Kumar Panda 29 March 2020

This is a nicely crafted poem with the reality of life that we face when we get older. the fairy tale of the childhood has nothing to do with moment to moment struggles of life. As we come in contact with different types of people the true color of life unfolds. But the poem ends in a positive note. That we have to go on living. Enjoying the trivialities of life. Thanks very much and Congrats.

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