Hallucination Poem by subodh pandey


Rating: 3.5

in the gloomy interface
as the light recede, serpent of dark crawls idly
deep into the night.

Sitting long over a cold corner
people pass by, bustling in the overlapping spheres of speech.

The spheres diffuse upto you
get tangled in the web of smoke and spilling dark.

Elongating curve's break straight in the oblivion
out of many, few stirs the ear,
drifting along the opaque air,
like piercing shrapnel's.

The smoky sap leaps up
the forbidden echoes in your vault,
whistling at a furtive pace,
in search of a lost enunciated word,
which leaked silently through the overburdened syntax of a dream, a long way back.

You sway in an unknown trajectory of the same primal origin,
always a new in the eclipsing evening.

Unwritten Soul 17 February 2012

You bend the imagery in beautiful illusion, we cant deal what the reality stand behind the vapor scenery..we lost in this game where we ourself dont know where we at, sometimes we confused with lot of people saying which keep creating image that clashing with our mind..sometimes it came when negative swimming around our sanity and build something we didnt expect, subconsciousness we are..but we can escape because we end it sooner when sober recalled_Unwritten Soul

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Amy Marie 18 February 2012

You describe the imagery of evening very well. Interesting word choice :)

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Dave Walker 19 February 2012

A really great poem, like it.

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Vipins Puthooran 19 February 2012

sound and light make the one sane/ 'tis a beautiful poem! ! ! !

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Rekha Mandagere 28 May 2012

It sounds great! Good flow and rhyming sceme.

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Johnathan Juarez 28 May 2012

your poem allows critical thought through a magical realm of everyday experience. you descriptions of what our speech lacks is so convincing even though your choice of words seem to generalize into multiple meanings you still keep a singular vision. keep working on it what u write is totally worth writing.

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Hans Vr 17 March 2012

This is a great poem; the experience is so poetically desribed in wonderful verses.

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Michael Oliver 27 February 2012

you nailed it doctor dude- well done

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Clara Odelia Ciutara 22 February 2012

sooo lovely..this poem is a real hallucination in poetry..

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