Her House Of Pain Poem by Aqua Flower

Her House Of Pain

The home became a house of pain
she faced each day with strength
but she was shot down again and again
She gave up trying
each day crying
Her body wounded by the battles
She started to sink even when she paddled
Her feelings always ignored
She was an object and nothing more

Copyright @ Aqua Flower

Monday, January 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: abused,broken,pain,suffering
Susan Williams 16 February 2020

We need to possess eyes that are more sensitive to the inner selves of others- the sign are there- under the surface- but they are there needing a compassionate word, a comforting silence, a kind expression of concern and a map to the nearest woman's shelter. Well done write and a very important one too. 10++++++++++

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Aqua Flower 16 February 2020

Thank you for reading this poem and for recognizing the message in it. And you behold those sensitive eyes!

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Carl Roussell 29 January 2020

The hurt felt when those in a shared household do not even see they are causing - well written

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Aqua Flower 01 February 2020

Thank you my friend. I am even guilty of not seeing things clearly at times. We can only keep trying to be the best person we can be.! thanks for reading and commenting.

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Kostas Lagos 27 January 2020

A rhapsody of sorrow! Excellent!

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Aqua Flower 29 January 2020

Love the word (rhapsody) you used to describe the poem. Thank you!

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Rini Shibu 27 January 2020

Pain which is often unseen by others is well expressed here

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Aqua Flower 29 January 2020

Thank you Rini for reading and your comment!

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