एक डॉक्टर की मौत (Hindi) Poem by Rajnish Manga

एक डॉक्टर की मौत (Hindi)

Rating: 5.0

किसी डॉक्टर की मौत एक व्यक्ति की मौत नहीं
बल्कि समाज की व्यवस्था की भी मौत है
जिस व्यक्ति ने अपनी सेवा और समर्पण भाव से
अनेकों बीमार लोगों को रोग से मुक्त किया
लेकिन बिमारी से लड़ने की हमारी तैयारी में कमी से
वह खुद को संक्रमित होने से ना बचा सका
आज उसके त्याग के सम्मुख सब शब्द खोखले हैं
और जवाबदेही किसी की नहीं, क्या मज़ाक है
शहीद स्मारक की तरह उनका भी स्मारक बनाया जाये

Sunday, August 23, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: death,dedication,doctor,hindi,service,social injustice
During the current Covid-19 pandemic, many health warriors including Doctors, Nurses and sanitation workers have lost their lives. Besides these people, several police personnel and other officials have also died in India and elsewhere in the world.
Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 26 January 2021

Indeed, a great poem dedicated to the doctors who have sacrificed their own life to save others from this pandemic.5 stars

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Varsha M 25 January 2021

You have penned it so well every person is dying but doctors have no control but to serve. This poem is a great owner to these doctors

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Aarzoo Mehek 25 August 2020

Doctors has a major role to play in our society. Their service and dedication is immesurable. And this pandemic has set major challenges to them and unfortunately lack of proper protection gear has put them in more danger. Very sensitive poem.10+++ for your thought.

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Sharad Bhatia 23 August 2020

Good morning " Guruji" Yes, you are absolutely right sir, it is just because of our system. The word " corruption" is sucking up our society and we are just looking at it as a mute. यह एक बहुत ही दुःखद समाचार हैं ईश्वर उनकी आत्मा को शान्ति प्रदान करे तथा उनके परिवार को बहुत हौसला प्रदान करे इस दुःखद घडी से लड़ने के लिये

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Rajnish Manga

Rajnish Manga

Meerut / Now at Faridabad
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