How The Rock Felt Poem by Dee Daffodil

How The Rock Felt

Rating: 5.0

Oh great!
Here comes that damn kid again!
With her stinky little feet
And big butt!

Why does she always have to sit on me? !
Go find a chair!
And those slimy fish...
What's with that?
Bash them good against my side
To make sure they're really dead
Before she takes 'em off the hook? !

And what's with all the paint and chalk? ?
If I had wanted to wear make up,
I'd have been a flower!

Grumble, grumble...

Duncan Wyllie 17 June 2006

I found this one up-setting, if it was a reflection of your own personal experience, then I am very sorry for you Dee Take care, and keep those smiles up Love Duncan X

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Alison Cassidy 19 October 2006

Just read the first one. It looks as though you have an affinity with rocks too. Clever idea to share two views of the same event. And very well written too. love, Allie xxxxxxx

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Ebone' Ingram 09 August 2006

I read this one, read the first one, then read this one again, and I'm still laughing some. *rofl* It's cute. I can totally picture this. Eni da kid

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Francesca Johnson 13 July 2006

Yes, I read the The Big Rock before this one, as advised. Very clever idea of two perspectives....a funny read, Dee. So it may NOT have been Dave that started the avalanche then? ? ? Love, Fran xx

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Preeti - is here! 13 July 2006

Hahaha....this one's so cute and funny...esp the makeup part! Brilliant poem Dee! Preets

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David Darbyshire 29 June 2006

don't know about this diddle Dee, ? ? ? ? funny? ? ? Love dave xxx

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