Is There Really Such Thing As A Bad Gift? Poem by Mary Nagy

Is There Really Such Thing As A Bad Gift?

I've said ''No gift's a bad gift''.
That's what I use to say...
Until I opened up the gift
I found on Christmas day!

I tried to fake ''I love it! ''
I tried not to let it show...
I wonder if they noticed
when I lost my ''Christmas glow''.

They had no way of knowing
they had bought my biggest fear...
for what they wrapped up for me

Valerie Chase 02 January 2006

my goodness! what a treat. a satisfying poem nonetheless. at least something good came out of it! (this poem, of course.)

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Ernestine Northover 03 January 2006

As long as it doesn't crack, all is well Mary! Look into it with the lights dimmed, a glass of wine in your hand, and a big jar of anti-wrinkle cream and you'll be fine! ! ! This one was fun to read. Loved it. Love Ernestine XXX

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Linda Hepner 03 January 2006

This made me laugh (from nervousness?) Happy New Year, Mary!

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Rusty Daily 02 January 2006

There is such a thing as a bad gift. It's called a chia pet smiles

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Joseph Daly 02 January 2006

Right, now this has confused me. Why would anyone give a woman a magnifying mirror? That is a gift for a man! Still at least this poem came out of it. If I were you I would flog it on e-bay pointing out that this is the very mirror that you wrote this poem about. Then you could use the money to take a holiday in someplace cultural and lord it over the natives. So, that's your immediate future sorted.

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Uriah Hamilton 02 January 2006

That's funny! ! It's the thought that counts, but I'm nor sure what the thought was there.

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