Lady Grace The Tribute Poem by Eyan Desir

Lady Grace The Tribute

Rating: 5.0

Upon Philippines shores
Sits this wonderful vessel
Who colors her canvas,
With soft words that dance on ice,
Her metaphorical lines,
Plays melodies like harps
Her smiles brings a face smiles

She's a pawn that spreads hope
A crystal that brightens
With beauty within
To match a silver spring
She's the swam that shared its wings
Eyes in rhodora's face
The humbleness of mute brooks

Out of Divine's warm hand
Comes our angelical flower
Whose roots has found a home
In our garden of friends.
Her presence has brought
Gladness into our air.

Where winds blow gracefully
And rivers flow calmly
Souls unlock great beauty
Where passion is more than art...

Sits this beautiful poetess.

Joseph Stotz 08 December 2009

Peace and god bless that you would ever invite me to read this poem

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Mohammed Hassan 08 December 2009

beautiful poem Eyan i like the words and the way you describe and write your feelings 10+++

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Carol Gall 08 December 2009

a most beautiful tribute eyan for a lady 10

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Kesav Easwaran 08 December 2009

you appear very 'gracious' in your words! a poem in tribute well composed...full of 'grace'!

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Emu Getachew 08 December 2009

The words are edible, aromatic and amative. It's a celebration of garce...thanks for the invite. Enjoyed it very much.10

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Romeo Della Valle 16 December 2009

Wow, Eyan, what a great tribute to a lady who deserves everything, she is really honest and full of real feelings, a great poetess, God Bless her, well penned you got my vote on this one,10+++

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Akram Awadat 14 December 2009

wow really great tribute, really enjoyed reading we all love Lady Grace 10+

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Louis Rams 12 December 2009

you have outdone yourself with this one. GR8888888T A DOUBLE TEN

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Ravi Sathasivam 11 December 2009

Beautiful poem. Well penned. Very lovely tribute to Lady Grace. Enjoyed reading it 10+

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Matt Mooney 11 December 2009

Wonderful use of language and imagery to paint a picture of translucent beauty.10.

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