किसी पेड़ पर इक बाबा जी बैठे थे आराम से;
तंग हुये वह छोटी सी इक मक्खी के कुहराम से;
सबने पूछा, 'भिन्नाती है? '
कहा उन्होंने, 'तड़पाती है.'
न स्वयं बैठती न हमें बैठने देती है आराम से.
Original Writer: Edward Lear
Hindi Adaptation: Rajnish Manga
हिंदी रूपांतरण: रजनीश मंगा
'There was an old man in a tree' is a fine limerick by Edward Lear again read by me today. It was my pleasure to translate it into Hindi.
Thanks for your appreciative words about this Hindi translation of Edward Lear Limerick, Randhir ji.
Very sweet. It is sweeter than the english or original one. Nicely done.
Thank you, Anil ji, for having appreciated the Hindi translation of an Edward Lear Limerick.
One may agree with me or not buy Hindi Limerick by Rajnish Manga more beautiful than the original English Limerick.
I read this poem both in hindi and english. Interesting really. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for visiting the poem and appreciating its Hindi version, Kumarmani ji.
The hindi version is best....a great attempt...thank you for sharing :)