Limited Possibilities Poem by Practicing Poetess

Limited Possibilities

All the best words
Have already been spoken
Nothing is new under the sun
The idea you have
Someone's already thought of
It's all been said, before you've begun

How many ways
Can you write of one topic?
There is a limit to each one
Your inspiration
May be a re-wording
Of a theme someone's already done.

Sunday, July 23, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: idea,poets,words,writings
As brilliant and talented as many poets are, there is a limit to how many different ways we can say essentially the same thing.
If you had the time to read every poem ever written about trees, or about love, or about stars or any other theme, you would see ideas recurring from different writers in different eras (and I'm not talking about plagiarism.) Great minds DO think alike, but there are only so many things you can say about any given topic, no matter how creative you are. Someone before you has most likely already said it, only in different words. Still, as poets we stive to be the best we can be!
Michael Walker 15 November 2019

What you write is debatable, but at least partly true. Sure, there are limits to what you can write about a subject. Brilliant.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 04 August 2018

How many ways Can you write of one topic? There is a limit to each one Your inspiration May be a re-wording Of a theme someone's already true. Yes, there is limit to each one. A beautiful poem with poet's note is being nicely executed.

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Practicing Poetess 04 August 2018

Thank you, Kumar, for the kind compliment! :)

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Laurie Van Der Hart 27 November 2017

I know what you mean. Nothing new under the sun. And yet, we can put old things in a fresh way, not so? I think that's what we all try to do. And come up mad sock-eating society poems and suchlike. That reminds me - you should read my Liliputian Invasion.

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Practicing Poetess 27 November 2017

Many thanks, Laurie! Will try to hunt down your Liliputian Invasion! :)

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Barry Middleton 23 July 2017

I have often felt this way but eventually something fresh pops out.

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Barry, thank you for confirming what I only realized AFTER posting this poem and Poet's Notes! Immediately afterward, I smacked my forehead as I remembered my nonsensical children's poem The Mad Sock-Eating Society. A fictitious, highly -imaginative poem that came from only my imagination. Also, my 1940's- sounding, jazzy-lyrical Crazy 'bout you. I wasn't even born yet in the 1940's! That was my parents' time, not mine. Have a wonderful day today!

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