Little Monsters Poem by Darlene Walsh

Little Monsters

Rating: 4.7

When dusk has settled on Halloween night
Look to the sky for a frightful sight
Look carefully high in the sky
Will you see witches flying by

Or in the darkness under a tree
Close your eyes, what will you see
Little monsters are hiding there
So be careful that you don't stare

Goblins and ghouls and princesses too
Creatures dressed in black, red and blue
Invading your home, ringing your bell
Are they going to cast an evil spell

Demons and fairies and a vampire duet
Looking for treats, sweet and chocolate
So be prepared when they come to greet
With little faces that say trick-or-treat

Friday, October 30, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: halloween
Just a little something for Halloween
Hannington Mumo 13 November 2015

I don't celebrate Halloween and don't believe that the stories about it are true. However, this poem is a rare product of artistic skill. Keep it up gal...10/10

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Valentina Fan 15 November 2015

It is so lovely!!! I love the rhythm of it~

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Jak Black 18 November 2015

A delightful little poem, well constructed, with rhythm and rhyme and imagination. Not a fan of haloween myself but I did enjoy reading this.

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Wes Vogler 24 November 2015

So you can write... limerick time... Looking forward to it nice rhythm

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Jazib Kamalvi 28 July 2020

Such a nice poem, Darlene W. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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Khairul Ahsan 07 September 2018

'Just a little something for Halloween' - not just a little something, but a wonderful thing to match the scene. Loved your poem, Darlene!

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Bri Edwards 10 November 2016

so sweet! especially the 'chocolate' part. darla, it's been so long since i've heard from you that i had to ponder what your last name is/was. hopefully 'no news is good news'! ! bri ;)

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Stephen Katona 10 September 2016

I loved this entertaining warning. Thank you for this witty, flowing creation.

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Anil Kumar Panda 28 April 2016

wow! ! what a sweet drop! ! enjoyed.thanks for sharing.

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