Meaningless Poem by Sayeed Abubakar


Rating: 2.9

The foolish bird
Gets tired
Trying to go out of the blue sky;
It may go and go and will die
Before finding
Its end. O Love, I sing
Your song and will sing for good so
Because without you, life is meaningless I know.

Thursday, January 24, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: love,love and life
Douglas Scotney 24 January 2013

why try to live without love, if, as you suggest, you can't live without it?

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Douglas Scotney 24 January 2013

2. Perhaps to try to live without love is the only way to find what it truly is? For you, anyway. Many seem to know you can't live without and don't even try.

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Jahan Zeb 25 January 2013

Touching dear. It was a nice reading, filled with emotion. A nice love poem

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Sun Shine 25 January 2013

so tender a poem with so tender realisation!

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Negar Gorji 27 February 2013

oh dear sayeed, your poem is too emotional. but i believe '' thins aren't always what we seem'' it can help you. well done.

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Hazel Durham 06 February 2013

So moving with great impact of a love that is part of you, beautiful write! !

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Spiritual Seeker 27 January 2013

Beautiful and well crafted. I can feel the spirit flows...thanks for sharing. A 10.

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Valsa George 27 January 2013

When in possession, we never know the value of persons or things, but when they slip out of our grasp or go out of our presence, we come to realize the real worth! A nice little poem!

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Sallam Yassin 25 January 2013

what is good is your song with passionate love of your soul/ great Sayeed god bless u

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Sayeed Abubakar

Sayeed Abubakar

Jessore / Bangladesh
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