Mid Center Poem by Deborah Cromer

Mid Center

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A feeling so warm, on a day so cold
New love born within a heart so old
The sun so bright from a sky so blue
At daybreak arising with such magnificent hue

The air is crisp, so clean and pure
My soul was wounded, now life the cure
All senses awake, so very alive and new
Awaiting powerful magic shared only by two

What gift was given to offer in prayer
To look beyond the answer is always a dare
Laughter, smiles and dancing eyes
True love born of honesty never dies

We wait and wonder with patient steps so steady
Tomorrow is near and coming for all who are ready
Take heed, go unto the night with blessing
Life is the answer, you need no more guessing

To dream and think of an inviting heart
Is color, sound, creativity and art
A soul does not rest, a heart does not sleep
Emotions and feelings touch the spirit so deep

Breathe and live, manifest all peace and grace
Let your heart beat and keep in the pace
Enjoy the touch of what is possibly real
Allow your body, soul, and heart to finally feel

Be free, let the spirit soar high and fast
Grab on and hold, this memory will forever last
Drift away without ever leaving
A web through to thought and silence, you are weaving

You can rest, you are there, you never left
Everything is gone without loss or theft
You are whole and strong, with tender touch
Having nothing, but possessing so much

Nikunj Sharma 17 August 2009

the feeling of having nothing, yet possessing a lot, maybe everything is simply beyond human comprehension, Only a poet can think this way.......blessed are those who shall read your work.............I read this poem before as well, this tiem I read it in a new light...........

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Deborah Cromer

Deborah Cromer

Portland, Oregon
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