~ Monica Leuneske_y Monologues Zigzag Why? ~
[‘Power is the great aphrodisiac' ~ Henry Kissinger*]
Ms. Nivedita
18 May,2013
Monica intern of Prez
Have appealing
Curves bonnie vital stat
Lithe glib gait,
World's powerful Prez
Internally itching
Priming defusing psyche
To grab seize clutch
The fleshy cuisine
Propelled by
‘Power aphrodisiac'. [1]
Above the
Diaphragm line
Below the navel line
Of missy Monica are the
Epicenter of
Paparazzo Prez's esurient
Lenses' zoom-ins. [2]
Glossy slippery
Page Three [read ID]
Burps out slimy
Cuisine for
For voyeurism
Very crispy
Piping hottie. [3]
Prez zooms out
Dilated pupils itching
Inching for free light entry
For photic lick lap
Savor hog boot
In nympholepsy. [4]
In opalescent Ov_al Office
Idiot ID dictates Prez:
Coarsely have it
Now; And
With raw brutality. [5]
Snooping prying
Programmed sniffer dogs
Drooling to smear
Feminine ‘that' odor
Afghan hounds with
Florid libidinal tastebuds
For coarse flesh combing
Snaffle harpooning,
Fusillade cartilage cartridges
Famished way
Deep into
Recess of missy's
What not only you
But primitive algae
Will rib if asked? [6]
Wait why
For benign to bloom
Malign to doom
Isn't it clichéd much? [7]
Filles, Monica prescribe
Hey all stand up
Discover distaff
Esteem packed psyche
Outbrave squelch
Slam whop bop for
Therapeutic purging of
Timeless barbarism
Female cannibalism? [8]
Not for our survival
But their survival
For social sanitization
They're coward craven
When face trounces
Crumble rachitic spine
For sure we know it. [9]
Make it not Modus Vivendi [10]
P.S. Finally Hilar_y condoned Prez Bilton showing womanly beneficence! Sheer Anaphrodisiac - Power! !
Glossary: With humility glossary given for what I tried to express.
[1] ID: In Freudian theory, the division of the psyche that is totally unconscious and serves as the source of instinctual impulses and demands for immediate satisfaction of primitive needs.
[2] Esurient: Extremely hungry.
[3] Slimy: Morally reprehensible.
[4] Nympholepsy: A frenzied state of [usually erotic] emotion, especially concerning something or someone unattainable.
[5] Rib: Subject to laughter or ridicule.
[6] Snooping: Watch, observe, or inquire secretly.
[7] Distaff: The sphere of work by women
[8] Snaffle: Get hold of or seize quickly and easily
[9] Gynaecomania: abnormal sexual obsession with women.
[10] Aidomania: An abnormally strong craving for sexual-intercourse, [Etymology:
From aidoion, vulva/female sex-organs].
[11] Modus Vivendi: A temporary accommodation of a disagreement between parties pending a permanent settlement.
[12] Anaphrodisiac: Antithesis of aphrodisiac.
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*(b.1923) , German-born U.S. Republican politician, secretary of state. quoted in New York Times (Jan.19,1971) .
Copyright reserved by author.
powerful statement the things that goes on in this world a shame
through their adjulation you have concieved a beauty.... the power here is a double edge sword one is earned and the other is born. those born with power can always earn it and those that earn it will always take it.
i'm really too young to understand any of this, sorry! good luck in the future!
I'm forced to start my comment in UNSAVORY way please find below the comment of a Poet: in PH: 'Monica exploited her feminism in the best possible way and got best deal for her auction. Intercourse package.' By this may I ask, the poet concerned and question here to valued readers how he got courage to comment in such uncivil way...totally uncivil and derogatory to women folk.? By name it seems he is from India the country where women are given highest honor as Sw. Vivekananda extolled: In India women get position of Mother in a family after marriage of kids not just Mother-In-Law as in elsewhere. SHAME SHAME SHAME - - Monica was a prey of salacity of POWER where she was sexually addressed many times and whole world gave volumes of fies. - I'm sorry to spent calorie on my fingers by typing a few lines on the comment of a stupid poet. - - As always we've seen niv keeping in high decibel her poetic voice against global assaults on women. She has sliced thru words the very nature of libertines very aptly He kept no stone UN-taken to hit hard to these people. Nicely she deployed the words in most modestly by giving facts in poetic format This is one of her most eye-opening poems may be unknown to many, how power corrupts men country religion and every walks of life. Power if grabbed [or gotten] thru so-called election, by virtue of economic religious racial ethnic ways ought to be misdirected and lethally used if one is not under self-control and for it deep contemplation on what power is and to use it are necessary? We urge niv to continue her journey as she has started as the battle is not won Thanks for sharing ~~~ dr. sakti
Nivedita, I've been following the Lewisky scandal for years, I never thought it could pass for a poem until now. Really the poem is very rich with literary elements that make up a beautiful poem-metaphor, personification, etc. Really homourous and soul.
Such a poignant write! Each line is as powerful as a tight punch..... I am happy for the foot notes provided below. I wish you read and leave yr valuable comments on my poems that fall on similar lines ^ I am She^, Feminine. Thanks in advance!
Such a powerful and very rightly expressed comment on the Male disorientation which arises out of the power that they possess. it is true that power is an aphrodisiac. The poem moved me to great anguish and concern for women's security.
======================================== ** ORIGINAL MESSAGE ******************** ======================================== From: Victor Adex To: Nivedita [poet Under Threat Of Editorial Cann Date-Time: 9/5/2013 5: 39: 00 PM (GMT -6: 00) Subject: Re: ~ Monica Leuneske_y Monologues Zigzag Why? ~ niv ~ UK ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'twas a great write, I could almost comprehend it all, but some of it still eludes me I would be glad if u graciously read ny poem ~ EQUAL FOR GREATNESS I do happen to be feminist, and I have philosophies that infer equity. ~~~ Posted thru kindness of AB London n
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
I agree with Imelda you can condemn men's sexual pestilence and libido fallacies but Mrs Lewinski was an equal culprit you can make the case hat she was exploited by an older mans machinations but the fact of the matter is she was open to what happen when was not abused in a way that a women in a third world country is abused 9or even a first world) I love your style and your amazing grasp at the subject matter as well as educating me on obscure Freudian terms but I do not believe in this case Lewinski was ravished she was caught by a man with power and that is an aphrodisiac that BOTH sexes are shameful at