My Story Poem by Pallavi Tripathi

My Story

Rating: 5.0

You left me
My world ended
Then and there

No hunger to eat
No thirst to drink
I was a barren land

Blown to pieces was I
Couldn't collect em all
They were playing hide and seek

Then a hand came
Saying I'm here for you
And it has been there since birth

It was my hand only
The part of me
That could lift me up

But I wasn't ready
I pushed the hand
Away at first

It was adamant
Said it could see spark
In my eyes still

I looked in the mirror
The spark was right there
I grabbed myself up

I was broken, tattered to pieces
I needed medication
Sought help from doctors

Couldn't tell her
The whole story
Just the symptoms
Not the avalanche
And earthquakes underneath

She gave the medication
I gave myself the pep talk
Looking into the mirror

Now I can stand
Straight, without the
Baggage of you

You have found a life
Without me and
I without you

What looked like
The end of the world
Was just the beginning

A beginning of me
To find a place
For myself in the world

Nosheen Irfan 01 April 2023

Very powerful piece of writing with a great message. Self-reliance is the only way to survive the battles of life. Strength comes from within. Bravo!

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 01 April 2023

Beautiful poem Pallavi.......10

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 01 April 2023

Bravo I love the last stanza

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Bharati Nayak 31 March 2023

A great poem.It is the beginning of a new 'You' and your new found determination will surely take you in the path of success.

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Pallavi Tripathi 31 March 2023

Thank you Bharati. I certainly hope that too.

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Kesav Venkat Easwaran 07 May 2023

A honest page out of life. I endorse Nosheen's feedback. Well-written piece

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Nabakishore Dash 02 April 2023

A highly crafted poem with insight.

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M. Asim Nehal 02 April 2023

Full ***** for this wonderful story.

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M. Asim Nehal 02 April 2023

To overcome such tragedy in life is no joke, it takes a lot to fight back. Your poem deals with such situation and in the end you are what you did, I liked the Pep talk with self-Part.

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Rajan T Renganathan 02 April 2023

To get back on track is a win over self, you did it nicely and expressed through poetry perfectly.

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