Note Of Pain Poem by Emma Adamyan

Note Of Pain

Rating: 4.5

It`s not for the first time,
I`m wounded by someone,
Since justice has gone,
It happens from time to time,
With an arrow so sharp,
I`m bleeding so hard,
Sitting with a strong fear to move,
For if I do, it`s not going to improve...
So, seems I`m left without a choice,
With no hope to hear any supporting voice,
It`s a really amazing World...
For a human being can get along even with cold,
With absence of warmth,
With all the mess on Earth,
With presence of odium,
With absence of premium,
With presence of avidity,
With absence of generosity,
Oh, the list is too long,
Shall we get along?
I wonder where`s the gong,
So we could hear to get,
Make some changes in life
And never ever forget.

Rehana Nazli 15 October 2009

So, seems I`m left without a choice, With no hope to hear any supporting voice, We always have choices, we just need to be aware of that and learn from our painful experiences and never ever give up hope. A sad but well written poem. Rehana

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rago rago 19 October 2009

nicely written........the pain in the love and life always inseparable.......whom we love they are faraway.........

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Kee Thampi 10 June 2010

but wound must hu`m wounded by someone, Since justice has gone, I love the soul

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Siddartha Montik 28 October 2009

the list is too long, Shall we get along..! ! ! wonderful narration of the pains of life in a small sentence! I met a silence of lull reading this poem! Thank you for sharing! 10++++++

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Adi Cox 27 October 2009

Oh the list is so long! Sometimes I wonder what justice would look like. I did enjoy reading this poem. You seem to be putting your problems into perspective with this poem.10/10.

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Philosophy of a DewyFlower 27 October 2009

Make some changes in life to overcome the inner strife keep writing! ! ! the pen can release the pain even if the hope is vain try to call it again and again somehow, somewhere you will gain a gleam of hope is the light of life keep these words in your brain 10 for your note/// gOOd lUck!

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moribund love 21 October 2009

a deep and true poem. keep it up!

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