Once Upon A Time Poem by Savita Tyagi

Once Upon A Time

Rating: 5.0

Once upon a time I was innocent
Once upon a time I was happy
Once upon a time spring came
Once upon a time the flowers bloomed
Once upon a time I heard the buzzing
Once upon a time I saw the bees dance
Once upon a time I felt the summer heat
Once upon a time a child came to me
The child was innocent and happy
Hugging the child I was happy too
Once upon a time child grew up
Once upon a time I asked again
Who am I?
Once upon a time I searched
What happened to blossoms
Where did the spring bees go
Once upon a time I saw a child
Once upon a time I was alone
As I closed my eyes and felt
The child, the flower the bee
All in me
In the middle of winter
All were playing hide and seek
With me.

Friday, September 19, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Ramesh Rai 20 September 2014

The hide n seek game is perpetual.

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Amitava Sur 23 September 2014

a passionate write about the memories of life, how the are wobbling and flowing in the mind! ! Once upon a time.... I and you also were child.......

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Tirupathi Chandrupatla 01 October 2014

As I closed my eyes and felt The child, the flower the bee All in me Beautiful recollection of childhood. Memories remain deep inside to be reviewed again and again.

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Akhtar Jawad 16 October 2014

A beautiful painting of sweet and carefree childhood, colors of this painting are very attractive.

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Akhtar Jawad 16 October 2014

A beautiful painting of sweet and carefree childhood, colors of this painting are very attractive.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 11 September 2024

Beautifully crafted write. Thought provoking.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 11 September 2024

A vivid depiction on the intricacies of life. Liked the recurring lines that express life's activities are repetitions.

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Bri Edwards 28 August 2024

Savita, I'll stick to what I said in my 2014 comment. : ) Now I don't have to think hard to come up with something new/different to write. : ) bri

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Susheela Shiju 23 October 2018

beautiful write dear! God bless

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Bri Edwards 26 December 2014

the cascading once upon a time lines ended and i began to be unsure of what was being described. it seems some readers thought you were just recounting childhood memories, and maybe you were. but i have a guess that you/the narrator are a dementia resident of a nursing home, lost in time, but able to find things in yourself which you once enjoyed when you were more lucid, be it 60 years or minutes earlier. well, lucid may or may not be the best word to use, but it popped into my mind [i certainly have rarely used to word in my lifetime! ], i like it, AND i'm sticking to it! so there! i think once upon a time could have happened (in your mind) whenever your mind wanted to play hide and seek. i especially enjoyed the last few lines. thanks for sharing. bri :)

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