Poverty Poem by Jacqui Broad


Every night you question your poverty,
while rich people enjoy their frivolity.
To you life just doesn't seem fair,
you being left in ashes and despair.
But every once in a while, you'll see
Lady Luck might just choose you to be
On top of the world, then you feel alone,
'cause to be like them, your heart must be of stone.
I'd rather eat my piece of bread,
than drink the blood of others instead.
I'd rather have my glass of life,
than stab my fellow travellers with a knife.
I'd rather enjoy my poverty in peace,
than beg for mercy on my knees...

Stefanie Fontker 21 October 2011

Beautiful. An interesting dip in to the being of humanity. Lovely writing.

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Marcus Mckinley 20 October 2011

criminal enterprise is built on the backs of the poor. and yes it is a better life when it is lived honestly regardless of financial status.

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Eric Cockrell 20 October 2011

the pride of the human being who chooses to be human! very good poem!

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Harindhar Reddy 16 November 2011

Hello my co-poetess and co-star, Today, You beat my poetry by this poem of yours. When I wrote on poverty you praised me to sky but this is of the heaven lane. I love these poetic verses... 'Lady Luck might just choose you to be' I'd rather have my glass of life, than stab my fellow travellers with a knife'. Yes why other lady luck should choose why not you! ... Oh jacqui - Just to cheer up! But I hope you understood my intention (only you) . it is nothing to make happy. So take these 10 roses for highlighting poverty! ha! ha! Ha! :) :) Take my smiles also.. Bravo! ...............

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Albert Matthew 12 November 2011

Hi Jacqui I love your poems. They are as deep as your heart. They call forth emotion and command passion and diction. The wide array of subject matter from which your thoughts are composed speaks volumes of the wisdom of your ingenuity and the loveliness of your creativity! I encourage you to keep on letting those creative juices flow freely and allow yourself to be a blessing regularly! For indeed freely you did receive and so freely you ought to give! God bless you abundantly and give you peace no and for eternity!

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Young Church Poetry 28 October 2011

This is the best poem, awesome! ! ! I invite you to read The Hunt For Happiness, thank you.

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Neetha Sasidharan 23 October 2011

great poem.I reckon it says that we should be satisfied with whatever HE gave us..

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Dave Walker 22 October 2011

A really good poem. The rich are the real Poor people, because they don't know how lucky they are.

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