Yin And Yang Poem by Jacqui Broad

Yin And Yang

Rating: 3.3

What makes one good?
What makes one bad?
What makes one understood?
What makes one sad?
What fills one with joy?
What causes one to run?
What makes one coy?
What're the things one ban?
What makes one love?
What makes one hate?
What makes one fly above?
What makes one find a mate?
Yin and Yang collides in one's inside.
There are always rules to be abide...

Dead Rose 10 January 2012

There're always rules to be abide..... Great poem: : : : 10***** Rose))))))

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Gordon Tseng 11 January 2012

Laozi - the founder of Chinese Daoism, who made the theory of Yin and Yang popular Real and supreme morality is to follow nature’s simple rule. All civilized forces and artificial actions are harmful and even cruel. So, like water, a strong and wise man may look like a weak and humble fool. With five thousand words, he founded a religion and a philosophical school. -from GOD BLESS NOT ONLY AMERICA

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Gordon Tseng 12 January 2012

Zhuangzi -another poet-like Daoist, who is my favorite Chinese philosopher Fly with him to outer space To view the world’s ridiculous face. Travel with him into your inner base To enjoy nature’s original pace. -from GOD BLESS NOT ONLY AMERICA You may check the books about him in the library.

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Dave Walker 09 January 2012

Really like this, a great poem.

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Siyabonga A Nxumalo 09 January 2012

Great poem my friend.....realy 'what makes one understood'....i wish to ask that question to some people.....you remember your poem...politico.

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Heather Wilkins 01 July 2013

a good write. it is all about yin-yang

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Vipins Puthooran 19 January 2012

Our life is bound up by the two things you mentioned at the first two lines..........good poem! ! ! ! !

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Ahmed Khaled 18 January 2012

philosphy should commences with question and question and question till the true answers appear and the truth may be revealed, this writing could tell at least me that you are my great humanity friend is so thoughtful about the entire humanity, the entire world, so this philosophy scent inside your poems which can be smelled in ease and this beautiful thoughtfulness tell the whole world that you are a great human being and a beautiful poet PHDAHMEDKHALED

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Hans Vr 13 January 2012

Good poem Jacqui. I think the duality will be always there. Nothing though is absolute. Especially good and bad, something I have thought of lot. What is good for me, may be not good for others. If one boy wit learning problems scores a B, it may make his parents really happy, while for a good student this may be really bad. No matter what, there are some unmovable prinicples like honesty, integrity, and so on that are as unchangeable as laws of nature. I think often i is not so much about the actual thing, but about the intention, the feeling, the prinicples behind it. You really provoked a lot of thinking by your poem. I find the duality of yin and yang within one and the same person also ever-amazing. Wonderful poem.

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Pheko Motaung 13 January 2012

A very good poem! Whetted my appetite.I'm converted to your line writing! Now I must read more.Thanks.

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