मृतक की याद में
मूल इंगलिश रचना: रॉबर्ट लुई स्टीवेंसन
हिंदी रूपांतरण: रजनीश मंगा
विस्तृत और ताराच्छादित इस आसमान के नीचे.
कब्र खोद मृत देह को मेरी, आराम करने दीजे.
प्रसन्नता से जीवन काटा, मरता उसी खुशी से,
बात खत्म मैं करता हूँ बस इसी वसीयत ही से.
नीचे की इस कविता को कब्र पे मेरी खुदवाना;
"यहाँ पर सोने वाले को इसी स्थान पर था आना,
सायंकाल सागर से जैसे नाविक वापिस आये,
गिरी-वन से आखेटक जैसे आखेट छोड़ घर आये."
good poem by you please take a look on my latest play ladki ki vyatha ek natak and urge as people as you can to participate by adding more thoughts
Thank you dear poet friend for your kind visit. It would be a pleasure to read your latest play.
I had to read your Hindi translation of 'Requiem', even though I do not know your language. I know of no better epitaph than 'Requiem'.
I am honoured to have you on this page for which the credit goes to the sublime beauty of this poem composed as his epitaph by the poet himself. Thanks a lot, Michael.
I read this great poem in the college and now I read its great translation by Rajnish Manag.
bahut hi sundarta se aapne anuwad kiya hai sir...... thanks....for translating........
बहुत बहुत शुक्रिया, मित्र अजय जी मेरी अनूदित कविता 'Requiem / मृतक की याद में (Hindi) ' को पसंद करने के लिये.
Digging the grave brings wide humor in this poem and poet narrates this very wonderfully. This is definitely nice poem and translated in to Hindi very well. Wisely penned.10