Shrewd Will Outsmart The Brave- A Hunter And A Fox. Poem by M. Asim Nehal

Shrewd Will Outsmart The Brave- A Hunter And A Fox.

Rating: 5.0

In the meadow the huntsman waits,
his firearm aimed, he anticipates,
the duck quacks, an easy prey,
and the huntsman shoots without delay,
but what the huntsman is unaware,
Is that the fox is also there,
cunning and sly, the fox is wise,
he'll seize the duck and flee the skies,
as the bullet whistles past,
the fox jumps up and moves fast,
he snatches the duck and makes his way,
the huntsman left with nothing to say,
now the fox savors his prized catch,
with a sly grin and a gleaming match,
he'll feast on the meat that's so sweet,
and rest in his cozy retreat,
and so the huntsman learns a lesson,
that in the wild there's no true possession,
for the shrewd will outsmart the brave,
and the huntsman will hunt another day.

Sunday, May 28, 2023
Topic(s) of this poem: moral teachings,lessons of life
David Wood 28 May 2023

Lovely story Asim, we have idiot huntsmen in Britain too.

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Anjandev Roy 28 May 2023

Excellent friend.....with a great message....

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Richard Wlodarski 31 May 2023

A most important moral taught in the form of a wonderfully creative poem. Love it, Asim!

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Poetic Sky 29 May 2023

Profound poem, in the wild there's no true possession, Perfect.

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That is the law of the jungle. True, dear poet

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Darren Jkoeryo 28 May 2023

A wonderful narration, Nicely written.

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LeeAnn Azzopardi 28 May 2023

enjoyed this long poem very much brasvo!

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