Stairway Of Leaves Poem by Denis Mair

Stairway Of Leaves

Rating: 5.0

Leaves falling in a faint breeze make a slanted line;
They remind me of moments I've had to let go of.
I want to trace them back like climbing stairs
Beckoned by surprises marked in blazing color,
From sated hunger to comforts of friendship
And higher than that I'll reach a perch,
From which birds launch their flights,
And there is a landscape to survey.
Though not quite wing-shaped
Leaves tend to linger in air,
Especially if the day is quiet.
If only my wishes tread lightly,
This stairway of pleasures will hold.

Saturday, November 2, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: aspiration,autumn,ephemeral,joy,leaves
Momentary pleasures are like falling leaves...and there is actually something like a stairway of pleasure in the brain, leading from creature comforts through emotional bonds to cerebral delights. It is a series of dopamine-activated reward centers...from the brainstem up to the lateral hypothalamus, through the midbrain nuclei, then running along the medial forebrain bundle, all the way to the frontal cortex. (See Jaak Panksepp, THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF MIND)
The frontal cortex is an aviary where birds of inspiration take flight.
Mihaela Pirjol 18 November 2019

A great comparison: as trees let go their leaves in Autumn, so the human being has (however reluctantly) to let go of the accumulation of the past: impressions, beliefs, and even love (sometimes...) . I love this poetically written seasonal poem!

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Susan Williams 02 November 2019

I'll reach a branch to perch on, Where flights of birds are launched, And there is a landscape to survey. _____ is that what those flocks of birds do while hanging out and gossiping? surveying the land- -love the imagery and the word pictures of birds launching into the air 10+++++++++ and onto my favorites

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Denis Mair 03 November 2019

I climbed the stairway of leaves, and those metaphorical birds were up there. See my expanded " Poet's Notes." Thanks for adding me to your Favorite Poems.

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Glen Kappy 03 November 2019

hey, denis. i like this overall—the tracing upward of the falling leaves, and the naturalness—in setting and the mind's movement. i have a question about the fourth line and wonder if it belongs. would you mind explaining it? -glen

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Denis Mair 03 November 2019

You raise a good question about line 4, so I'm clarifying it with an additional sentence at line 2. (Line 4 is now line 5.) Thanks.

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Ruth Walters 19 August 2024

I love the leaves, especially Autumn leaves. Your poem reminded me.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 02 December 2023

A pleasure to give you full stars and of course, to my favourite as well.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 02 December 2023

Thank you Denis for this beautiful poem. I loved the scientific explanation with this aesthetic poem of leaves.

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 02 December 2023

Stairway of leaves just like a stairway of multiple desires in man. We are like the birds perched on the branches taking flight into imaginative world of pleasures. Though short lived, like the falling leaves it floats in the atmosphere with joy.

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Xiaohong Li 08 November 2020

Such a beautiful poem that make you thinking deeply about the moments in your horizon

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