The Eclipse Poem by Parameswaran Nair Damodaran Nair

The Eclipse

Rating: 5.0

There fell in the heart of the sea the image of the moon in the sky
There rose in the heart of the sea waves of desire for reaching the sky
The passionate waves' ambition grew for a hug of the beauty so high
The helpless waves, unable to rise so high, rolled down in desperation
It was deep into my heart her pretty image in fairy aura fell

I carried it everywhere, across the woods and deserts in rain and sun
Like a shepherd carries a wild reed to carve a flute of melodies out
That keeps him lost in dreamy music draining dreadful solitude

It was a hot spring in icy peaks and a cool breeze in scorching sun
And a warm sunshine for the fog of my miseries to vanish soon
Incessant waves of desire for her rose up throbbing hard my heart
Like a kid insistent for the moon I grew adamantly ambitious for her

It was of late that I knew I was deceitfully fooled and tricked
I was convinced of her ridiculous frailty and reckless infidelity
Her dreadful eclipses and irrational aberrations made me insane
I walked away, climbed up the high-rise building and jumped down

It was not a cowardly suicide but a revenge to masked relationships
A warning against immorality and faithlessness, lust and lack of ethics
My spirit is killed and I am a living carcass for wild animals to learn hunting
You may recognise me, I am that youth lived among you with a bright ethic halo

Ramadas 18 October 2018

Suicide of the spirit but the body remains as a carcass! ! The poets laments over the deceit and unfaithfulness of his lover. Frailty thy name is woman said Shakespere a long ago. A good poem.

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(DPN) 18 October 2018

Thank you Ramdas. We cannot keep our eyes closed to our surroundings. The poem is based on an incident that took place in one of our near cities a few years back. Thank you

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Leela kumari R 26 October 2018

Lack of Ethics which lost somewhere in this hasty world. An apt reminder!

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Thank you Leela. The plight of young people for catching the moon leaving the ground brings unforeseen havoc in the society. Life is beautiful when you keep up reliability and you get reliability

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Reetha Antony 29 October 2018

Nice work... meaningful lines which touch our feeling s...

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An exquisite poem, the first stanza with the first three lines reminded me of Edgar Alan Poe, in sentiment in a few of his most beautiful poems; deception the belief betrayed in a great love, has devastating consequences as you have metaphorically written.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 21 June 2024

This poignant yet wonderful poem carries a great warning to all especially the youth.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 21 June 2024

A brilliant and magnificent portrayal of deception in love embellished with captivating images and poetic expressions.

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Savita Tyagi 29 November 2020

Deception in love is certainly a hard thing to swallow. So is the desperation when we face the facts that high ideals are so hard to achieve. The price they extract from some is really high. One can always question- what is best...bringing the ideals down or aspiring to achieve their summit. Great poem Damodar ji.

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Savita Tyagi 29 November 2020

Very interesting poem. Though this revenge is like cutting your own feet while trying to cut the tree branch. On second thought may be I need a little more deeper understanding of the thoughts waves rising from a person's mind watching the moon.

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